June 2006

Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 Docs Online!

Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 should be available some time soon. Meanwhile, you can read up on it – the documentation has just been posted on Microsoft Exchange TechCenter site. Also check out the Scripting for Exchange “hub” on Script Center.

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Zenprise wins TechWorld’s Troubleshooting Product of The Year

The good news keeps rolling in! This time it’s Troubleshooting Product of The Year from TechWorld, one of UK’s largest tech publications. Amazingly, it was the earlier version – Zenprise 1.03, that brought this one home. All I can say is – keep ’em coming!

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Zenprise wins Best Of TechEd 2006 award

The Zenprise team returned from TechEd last week with some exciting news – Zenprise 2.0 was awarded the Best of TechEd 2006 in Messaging category by Windows IT Pro magazine! [Windows IT Media Names ‘Best of Tech Ed 2006’ Winners ] We’re all very excited about this, as it comes close on the heels of […]

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Dell laptops don’t have wireless access at TechEd!

I’ve enjoyed TechEd throughout this week – some great sessions I’ve been to, and all the folks I’ve been meeting all week – MCTs, MVPs, softies… and the parties have been great so far. The one thing that’s really been annoying me is the fact that my Dell Latitude D610 running XP SP2 can’t connect […]

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Awesome Powershell presentation by Vivek Sharma and Mihai Jalobeanu

Just got out of a breakout session titled “Microsoft Exchange Server 2007: Management Shell and Scripting” by Vivek Sharma & Mihai Jalobeanu. Vivek & Mihai provided a great technical deep dive into Powershell (aka “Monad”) and how to use Exchange Management Shell (a layer on top of PowerShell) to manage Exchange Server 2007. The session […]

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It’s TechEd time!

I’m heading to Boston tomorrow to attend Microsoft TechEd. Look forward to meeting friends, peers, MVPs, MCTs, Zenprise customers, and “softies”… ! As noted earlier, Zenprise architect Sekou Page will be presenting a Birds Of A Feather session on troubleshooting DNS for Exchange. (read previous post: “Don’t miss “Troubleshooting DNS for Exchange” session at TechEd“). […]

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Texas spammer turns “antispam-activist” after million dollar settlement

In an interesting twist, Texas spammer Rylak Pitylak – listed as the world’s 4th “most prolific spammer” by Spamhaus – has turned over a new leaf and now refers to himself as an “antispam activist”. This epiphany happened after coughing up a million dollars in a settlement with Microsoft and the state of Texas, according […]

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