Exchange ActiveSync Performance Counters Reference
Monitoring Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) activity on Client Access Servers is important in an organization with a significant mobile device deployment. Here are ActiveSync performance counters available on Client Access Servers in Exchange 2010 SP1. The performance object is MSExchange ActiveSync.
Exchange ActiveSync Performance Counters in Exchange 2010 SP1
Counter | Description |
Availability Requests Total | Availability Requests Total is the total number of availability requests that have been processed since the service was started. Availability requests are used to return recipients’ free/busy information. |
Availability Requests/sec | Availability Requests/sec is the number of availability requests that were processed by the server each second. Availability requests are used to return recipients’ free/busy information. |
Average Hang Time | Average Hang Time is the average time, in milliseconds, that elapsed waiting for Ping and Hanging Sync requests to complete. |
Average LDAP Latency | Average LDAP Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that it takes for an LDAP call to return results from a domain controller, averaged over LDAP calls in the last minute. |
Average Request Time | Average Request Time is the average time that elapsed, in milliseconds, waiting for a request to complete. |
Average RPC Latency | Average RPC Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that it takes for a remote procedure call to return results from a Mailbox server, averaged over RPC calls in the last minute. |
Bad Item Reports Generated Total | Bad Item Reports Generated Total is the total number of bad item reports that were generated since the service was started. This occurs when items fail to convert from the server format to the client format. |
Conflicting Concurrent Sync Total | Conflicting Concurrent Sync Total is the total number of Sync commands that a concurrent sync completed first for the same folder. |
Conflicting Concurrent Sync/sec | Conflicting Concurrent Sync/sec is the number of Sync commands that a concurrent sync completed first for the same folder, per second. |
Create Collection Commands/sec | Create Collection Commands/sec is the number of CreateCollections commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running earlier versions of the ActiveSync protocol use this command to create folders. |
Create Collection Total | Create Collection Total is the total number of CreateCollection requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Current Requests | Current Requests is the number of HTTP requests received from ASP.NET. |
Delete Collection Commands/sec | Delete Collection Commands/sec is the number of DeleteCollection commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running earlier versions of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol use this command to delete folders. |
Delete Collection Total | Delete Collection Total is the total number of DeleteCollections commands that have been processed since the service was started. Clients that are running earlier versions of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol use this command to delete folders. |
Document Library Fetch Commands/sec | Document Library Fetches/sec is the number of DocumentLibrary fetches that are processed each second. This command is used by clients to download Windows SharePoint Services or Windows files shares files. |
Document Library Fetch Total | Document Library Fetch Total is the total number of DocumentLibrary Fetch requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Document Library Search Total | Document Library Search Total is the total number of DocumentLibrary Search requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Document Library Searches/sec | Document Library Searches/sec is the number of times per second that clients browse Windows SharePoint Services or Windows file shares items. |
Empty Folder Contents Total | Empty Folder Contents Total is the total number of Empty Folder Contents requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Empty Folder Contents/sec | Empty Folder Contents/sec is the number of Empty Folder commands that are processed each second. This command is used by clients to delete all items in a folder. |
Failed Item Conversion Total | Failed Item Conversion Total is the total number of items that failed to convert due to modifications made by the server since the service was started. |
Folder Create Commands/sec | Folder Create Commands/sec is the number of FolderCreate commands that are processed each second. Clients use this command to create folders. |
Folder Create Total | Folder Create Total is the total number of FolderCreate requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Folder Delete Commands/sec | Folder Delete Commands/sec is the number of FolderDelete commands that are processed each second. Clients use this command to delete folders. |
Folder Delete Total | Folder Delete Totals is the total number of FolderDelete commands that have been processed since the service was started. Clients use this command to delete folders. |
Folder Sync Commands/sec | Folder Sync Commands/sec is the number of FolderSync commands that are processed each second. Clients use this command to synchronize the folder hierarchy. |
Folder Sync Total | Folder Sync Total is the total number of FolderSync requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Folder Update Commands/sec | Folder Update Commands/sec is the number of FolderUpdate commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to rename or move folders. |
Folder Update Total | Folder Update Total is the total number of FolderUpdate requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
GAL Search Total | GAL Search Total is the total number of GAL Search requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
GAL Searches/sec | GAL Searches/sec is the number of times that the global address list is searched per second. |
Get Attachment Commands/sec | Get Attachment Commands/sec is the number of GetAttachment commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running earlier versions of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol use this command to download e-mail attachments. |
Get Attachment Total | Get Attachment Total is the total number of GetAttachments requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Get Hierarchy Commands/sec | Get Hierarchy Commands/sec is the number of GetHierarchy commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running earlier versions of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol use this command to synchronize the folder hierarchy. |
Get Hierarchy Total | Get Hierarchy Total is the total number of GetHierarchy commands that have been received since the service was started. |
Get Item Estimate Commands/sec | Get Item Estimate Commands/sec is the number of GetItemEstimate commands that are processed each second. The GetItemEstimate command is used by clients to display synchronization progress. |
Get Item Estimate Total | Get Item Estimate Total is the total number of GetItemEstimate requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Heartbeat Interval | Heartbeat Interval is the heartbeat interval, in seconds, specified by the client that connected most recently. |
Incoming Proxy Requests Total | Incoming Proxy Requests Total is the total number of HTTP requests received from ASP.NET and proxied to another Exchange ActiveSync server since the service was restarted. |
IRM-protected Message Downloads – Total | IRM-protected Message Downloads – Total is the total number of IRM-protected message decrypt/download attempts (including sync, fetch, and search) that have been processed since the service was started. |
IRM-protected Message Downloads/sec | IRM-protected Message Downloads/sec is the number of IRM-protected message decryption and download attempts (including sync, fetch, and search) that are processed per second. |
Item Operations Commands/sec | Item Operations Commands/sec is the number of ItemOperations commands that are processed each second. |
Item Operations Total | Item Operations Total is the total number of ItemOperations requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Mailbox Attachment Fetch Commands/sec | Mailbox Attachment Fetch Commands/sec is the number of Mailbox Attachment Fetches that are processed each second. |
Mailbox Attachment Fetch Total | Mailbox Attachment Fetch Total is the total number of Mailbox Attachment Fetch commands that have been processed since the service was started. This command is used by clients to download e-mail attachments. |
Mailbox Item Fetch Commands/sec | Number of Mailbox Item Fetches/sec is the number of times that clients download whole Exchange items each second. |
Mailbox Item Fetch Total | Mailbox Item Fetch Total is the total number of mailbox item fetch requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Mailbox Offline Errors/minute | Mailbox Offline Errors/minute is the number of mailbox offline errors that occur per minute. |
Mailbox Search Total | Mailbox Search Total is the total number of Mailbox Search requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Mailbox Searches/sec | Mailbox Searches/sec is the number of times that mailboxes are searched per second. |
Meeting Response Commands/sec | Meeting Response Commands/sec is the number of MeetingResponse commands that are processed per second. The client uses this command to designate a meeting as Accepted, Declined, or Tentative. |
Meeting Response Total | Meeting Response Total is the total number of MeetingResponse commands that have been received since the service was started. |
Move Collection Commands/sec | Move Collection Commands/sec is the number of MoveCollection commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running earlier versions of the Exchange ActiveSync protocol use this command to move folders. |
Move Collection Total | Move Collection Total is the total number of MoveCollections requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Move Items Commands/sec | Move Items Commands/sec is the number of MoveItems commands that are processed each second. Clients use this command to move Exchange items between folders. |
Move Items Total | Move Items Total is the total number of MoveItems commands that have been received since the service was started. |
Number of AD Policy Queries on Reconnect | Number of AD Policy Queries on Reconnect is the number of Exchange ActiveSync policy objects that are queried from Active Directory on server reconnect. |
Number of Notification Manager Objects in Memory | Number of Notification Manager Objects in Memory is the number of Notification Managers objects that are in memory. |
Options Commands/sec | Options Commands/sec is the number of Options commands that are processed each second. Clients can use the Options command to discover the ActiveSync protocol version that is supported by the server. |
Options Total | Options Total is the total number of options requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Outgoing Proxy Requests Total | Outgoing Proxy Requests Total is the total number of HTTP requests received by ASP.NET from another Exchange ActiveSync server since the service was restarted. |
Permanent Active Directory Errors/minute | Permanent Active Directory Errors/minute is the number of permanent Active Directory errors that occur each minute. |
Permanent Storage Errors/minute | Permanent Storage Errors/minute is the number of permanent storage errors that occur each minute. |
PID | PID is the process ID that is hosting Exchange ActiveSync. |
Ping Commands Dropped/sec | Ping Commands Dropped/sec is the number of Ping commands per second whose connection to the client was dropped before a response could be issued. |
Ping Commands Pending | Ping Commands Pending is the number of Ping commands that are currently pending on the server. |
Ping Commands/sec | Ping Commands/sec is the number of Ping commands that are processed by the server each second. This command is used to send clients notifications about new e-mail messages or changed items. |
Ping Dropped Total | Ping Dropped Total is the total number of Ping commands whose connection to the client was dropped before a response could be issued. |
Ping Total | Ping Total is the total number of Ping commands that have been processed since the service was started. |
Provision Commands/sec | Provision Commands/sec is the number of Provision commands that are processed each second. The server uses this command to enforce mobile policies. |
Provision Total | Provision Total is the total number of Provision requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Proxy Logon Commands Sent Total | Proxy Logon Commands Sent Total is the total number of proxy logon commands that were sent from this server to another server. This can happen when a user’s mailbox is located on an Exchange 2003 server. It can also happen when the Exchange 2010 Client Access server in the same Active Directory site as the user’s Mailbox server is not Internet-facing. |
Proxy Logon Received Total | Proxy Logon Received Total is the number of ProxyLogon commands that have been received by this server from another server since the service was started. |
Recovery Sync Commands/sec | Recovery Sync Commands/sec is the number of Recovery Sync requests that are processed each second. The recovery sync process happens to compensate for a failed synchronization with the client. |
Recovery Sync Total | Recovery Sync Total is the total number of Recovery Sync requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Requests Total | Requests Total is the total number of HTTP requests received from ASP.NET since the service was restarted. |
Requests/sec | Requests/sec is the number of HTTP requests that are received from the client via ASP.NET per second. |
Search Commands/sec | Search Commands/sec is the number of Search commands that are processed each second. This counter represents the total number of global address list, document library and mailbox searches that are issued by the client. |
Search Total | Search Total is the total number of Search requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Send IRM-protected Messages – Total | Send IRM-protected Messages – Total is the total number of IRM-protected message send requests (including replies and forwards) that have been processed since the service was started. |
Send IRM-protected Messages/sec | Send IRM-protected Messages/sec is the number of IRM-protected message send requests (including replies and forwards) that are processed per second. |
Send Mail Commands/sec | Send Mail Commands/sec is the number of SendMail commands that are processed per second. |
Send Mail Total | Send Mail Total is the total number of SendMail commands that are processed. |
Settings Commands/sec | Settings Commands/sec is the number of Settings commands that are processed each second. |
Settings Total | Settings Total is the total number of Settings commands that have been received since the service was started. |
Smart Forward Commands/sec | Smart Forward Commands/sec is the number of SmartForward commands that are processed each second. Clients use this command to forward items without having to upload them to the server. |
Smart Forward Total | Smart Forward Total is the total number of SmartForward requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Smart Reply Commands/sec | Smart Reply Commands/sec is the number of SmartReply commands that are processed each second. Clients use this command to reply with items without having to upload them to the server. |
Smart Reply Total | Smart Reply Total is the total number of SmartReply requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Sync Commands Dropped/sec | Sync Commands Dropped/sec is the number of Sync commands per second whose connection to the client was dropped before a response could be issued. |
Sync Commands Pending | Sync Commands Pending is the number of Sync commands that are currently pending on the server. |
Sync Commands/sec | Sync Commands/sec is the number of Sync commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder. |
Sync Dropped Total | Sync Dropped Total is the total number of Sync commands whose connection to the client was dropped before a response could be issued. |
Sync State KBytes Left Compressed | Sync State KBytes Left Compressed is the total amount of sync state data that was left compressed since the service was started. This value contributes to the total amount of memory consumed. |
Sync State KBytes Total | Sync State KBytes Total is the total amount of sync state data that was loaded since the service was started. This value contributes to the total amount of memory that is being consumed. |
Sync Total | Sync Total is the total number of Sync requests that have been processed since the service was started. |
Transient Active Directory Errors/minute | Transient Active Directory Errors/minute is the number of Active Directory transient errors that occur each minute. |
Transient Errors/minute | Transient Errors/minute is the number of transient errors that occur each minute. |
Transient Mailbox Connection Failures/minute | Mailbox Connection Failures/minute is the number of transient errors that occur each minute when connecting to a Mailbox server. |
Transient Storage Errors/minute | Transient Storage Errors/minute is the number of transient storage errors that occur each minute. |
Wrong CAS Proxy Requests Total | Wrong CAS Proxy Requests Total is the total number of HTTP requests that were received by ASP.NET since the service was restarted that can’t be proxied to another Client Access server because the user has to reconfigure the device to point to that Client Access server directly. |
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
thank you for these counters.. We been having activesync iPhone device resync issue for a long time, it’s on going for us.
Question, is there script reports ? I’m trying to get a report when there is performance issue or any one of these counters reached to supported limit.
what is a easy way to get that kind of report ?
These are performance counters. Performance monitoring tools such as perfmon, and third party utilities, can consume performance counter data either in real-time, which shows current system activity, or via logs. For example, see How to troubleshoot Exchange Performance Issues at a basic level (Part 1).
You may also want to look at the ActiveSync-related log entries in IIS logs on your CAS.