
Bulk mailbox creation revisited: Adding Active Directory attributes

The instructions in Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell allow you to quickly create mailboxes in bulk using the New-Mailbox command. Continuing from where we left off in that post, another scenario is being able to add Active Directory attributes to the new user object created by New-Mailbox. Note, the […]

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SCRIPT: Turning on Filter Junk Email

OWA users who never logon using Outlook do not have their Junk Mail filtering option turned on by default. Exchange MVP Glen Scales has a script here that allows you to turn this on programmatically for Exchange Server 2007 users.

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DST 2007: Script to export Calendar items (before you rebase!)

MIIS (Microsoft Identity Integration Server) MVP Jason Sherry recently shared this script to export Calendar items, which should come in handy to export items from the affected “extended” DST period, before you start rebasing items. In case something goes wrong during rebasing and appointments are off by an hour or two before or after their […]

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Get Dell Service Tag using PowerShell

A popular script on this blog uses the Win32_SystemEnclosure WMI class to get the Dell Service Tag from Dell computers [see Getting Dell Service Tag using WMI]. Powershell’s Get-WmiObject cmdlet makes it a one-liner. You can also use it to get the serial number from systems made by other manufacturers.: Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure | select serialnumber […]

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SCRIPT: Show mailbox quotas (including Store & Policy quotas)

I had earlier posted a script that lists users’ mailbox limits/quotas [read previous post “SCRIPT: Show mailbox limits“]. That script only picks up users who have their mailbox limits set individually, bypassing the “normal” users who have their mailbox storage limits set by the Store or a System Policy. A related script that resets the […]

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SCRIPT: Show OWA Users

This is a modified script that shows current OWA/HTTP logons to the Store(s) on a given server(s). The script takes NetBIOS names of servers as command-line arguments (separated by spaces), uses the Exchange_Logon WMI class to connect to a server and retrieve list of users currently logged on. Usage: ShowHTTPLogons.vbs EXCH1 EXCH2 EXCH3 If Cscript […]

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Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell

Bulk creation of mailboxes (and the accompanying user accounts) in Exchange Server 2003/2000 involved some elaborate scripting effort. This task can now be done fairly effortlessly, thanks to the Exchange Management Shell (EMS). The Shell can very easily import/use CSV files saved from a spreadsheet or text editor and create the mailbox-enabled users. Here’s how. […]

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Background: Exchange Server 2003 SP2 allows raising the Store size limit. If you’re using Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition, the default is raised from 16 Gb to 18 Gb, and the maximum size of a Store has been raised to 75 Gb. To raise the Store size limit, you need to insert the Database Size […]

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SCRIPT: List Distribution Groups

I was able to modify this script I wrote a while back for general use. What it does: Lists mail-enabled groups in a domain including following attributes:– Group Name– Group type (Security/Distribution group)– Description (if the description field is populated)– Manager– Members What needs to be added…– If the group only receives from authorized senders […]

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SCRIPT: Reset Mailbox Limits

I had posted a script that reports all users with their mailbox storage limits set individually on the user account properties in my earlier post titled “SCRIPT: Show mailbox limits“. I have just added another script to that post that will reset those mailboxes (with storage limits set individually). Once the script resets storage limits […]

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