Need to maintain an accurate inventory of servers in datacenter. Dell servers have a Service Tag that is required when calling Dell support, and it makes sense to include this in the server list. Here’s how to retrieve the Service Tag from the system BIOS. This uses WMI, and therefore works only on Windows servers. […]
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The ClusApi.h file, which is part of the PlatformSDK should contain this… typedef enum CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { ClusterResourceStateUnknown = -1, ClusterResourceInherited = 0, ClusterResourceInitializing = 1, ClusterResourceOnline = 2, ClusterResourceOffline = 3, ClusterResourceFailed = 4, ClusterResourcePending = 128, ClusterResourceOnlinePending = 129, ClusterResourceOfflinePending = 130 } CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE; HTH Alain is (now) WMI Program Manager at Microsoft and […]
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