Bulk mailbox creation revisited: Adding Active Directory attributes

The instructions in Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell allow you to quickly create mailboxes in bulk using the New-Mailbox command. Continuing from where we left off in that post, another scenario is being able to add Active Directory attributes to the new user object created by New-Mailbox. Note, the […]

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Exchange shell: Using double quotes or single quotes in commands or scripts

Another frequently asked question about PowerShell/Exchange shell, and one that I myself had during the initial foray with the shell – what’s the difference between using double quotes and single quotes in a shell command or script? The biggest difference, and the only one I’m aware of, is the fact that using double quotes – […]

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Released: ForeFront Security for Exchange SP1

ForeFront Security for Exchange SP1 follows Exchange Server 2007 SP1 out the door. FSE SP1 is compatible with Exchange Server 2007 SP1. It includes support for Windows Server 2008, IPv6, and improved content filtering. Exchange Server 2007 SP1 and ForeFront Security for Exchange – Before you upgrade Exchange Server 2007 to SP1, make sure you […]

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Released: Exchange Server 2007 SP1

Great news, in words of Exchange TAP Program Manager David Espinoza: “Exchange Server 2007 SP1 has left the building”. The “pack of goodies” is Build 240.06 – download it here. (Read the announcement on the team blog, with feedback from TAP customers, including Zenprise.) Congratulations to the Exchange product team for shipping an unusual service […]

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220 Welcome to a California mail server: Fighting spam with SMTP Banners

If you are interested in messaging and fighting spam, you probably watch the legal response to spam with some interest. Given the nature of email and the art of remaining anonymous or otherwise untraceable that spammers seem to have mastered, anti-spam laws were written off as largely ineffective, or even ridiculous. (The FTC begs to […]

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Critical Apple Mail vulnerability reintroduced in Leo

“In a world where PCs constantly do battle with viruses and malware, Mac OS X is a sea of tranquility”, Apple likes to remind the world about its OS X operating system. Interestingly, Computerworld’s Gregg Keizer reports about a critical vulnerability in Apple Mail that was fixed in OS X Tiger has been reintroduced in […]

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Exchange Server 2007: How many logs hath thee?

A recent question got me thinking about this, thanks to a fellow MCT. How may logs does Exchange Server 2007 have? There are the known logs, carried over from previous versions (albeit with some differences), and a slew of new logs that one deals with. So let’s take a quick look at the number of […]

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TechNet Chats: Q&A With the Exchange MVP Experts

Microsoft is holding another round of Q&A; chats with Exchange Server MVPs. These were fun the last time (transcripts here), so if you have questions about Exchange Server – planning issues, deployments, best practices, security, HOW TOs, etc., and want answers from Exchange MVPs – pick a convenient time from the following. Q&A; With the […]

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Messaging Records (Mis)Management at the White House

ORDERED that defendants shall preserve media , no matter how described, presently in their possess or under their custody or control, that were created with the intention of preserving data in the event of its inadvertent destruction. Defendants shall preserve the media under conditions that will permit their eventual use, if necessary, and shall not […]

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Restricting Messaging Records Management to a particular message type

One of the frequently asked questions related to Messaging Records Management (MRM) in Exchange Server 2007/2010 is: how do I purge only specific type of items from a particular Managed Default Folder, a Managed Custom Folder, or the entire mailbox? For example, it may be acceptable to purge email messages from a particular folder or […]

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