January 2011

UDP notifications support back in Exchange 2010, Outlook 2003 users rejoice

If there is a legacy client for Exchange 2010, it must be Outlook 2003. Released in October 2003, Outlook 2003 is two versions and almost eight years old! When running in online mode, Outlook 2003 relies on Exchange Server to notify it of new messages by sending UDP notifications. If UDP notifications aren’t received, Outlook […]

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Redmond Mag: 10 Best Things Microsoft Did In 2010

If you’re too focused on Exchange Server and Windows infrastructure, it’s easy to miss some of the other remarkable products and services Microsoft released in 2010. Doug Barney lists the 10 Best Things Microsoft Did In 2010. Not surprisingly,

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Happy New Year, You Just Won a Gazillion Dollars!

With the end of holidays comes the beginning of a new year, and this year a new decade. I’ve had a longer semi-vacation in December, and I’m looking forward to the promise of an exciting 2011. The part that I least look forward to is all the Christmas/New Year spam, some of which inevitably makes […]

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