September 2008

Troubleshooting Exchange Server Antispam: Disable Outlook Junk Mail

When troubleshooting antispam issues, particularly false positives (legitimate email incorrectly tagged as spam), frequently you run into scenarios where Exchange Server antispam features seem to be working correctly but you still see messages being delivered to the Junk Mail folder instead of the Inbox. For instance, you whitelist a sender or sender domain, or add […]

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Disable Antispam agents on a Receive Connector

Exchange 2007’s antispam agents are enabled for all Receive Connectors on a transport server. Is there a way to disable the agents on a particular Receive Connector? Although not as simple as turning an agent off for each IP address or Receive Connector, Exchange 2007’s new transport permissions model allows you to do this just […]

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Resource Mailbox Calendar Settings: Configuring resource mailboxes using OWA

Have you been using the Set-MailboxCalendarSettings cmdlet to configure scheduling settings for resource mailboxes? Wish there was a graphical interface to configure these settings? [PS] C:\>get-mailboxcalendarsettings cf-oahu | fl AutomateProcessing : AutoAcceptAllowConflicts : FalseBookingWindowInDays : 180MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440AllowRecurringMeetings : TrueEnforceSchedulingHorizon : TrueScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : FalseConflictPercentageAllowed : 0MaximumConflictInstances : 0ForwardRequestsToDelegates : TrueDeleteAttachments : TrueDeleteComments : TrueRemovePrivateProperty : […]

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Microsoft: “High Priest of Secure Software Development”

From a company most frequently bashed for the security woes of the world, Microsoft has morphed into what CNET calls the “high priest of secure software development”, which is now helping others develop secure software. The Trustworthy Computing Initiative started six years ago is paying off. More in ‘Microsoft becomes high priest of secure software […]

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Configuring Deleted Item Retention

After a user empties the Deleted Items folder, although these items disappear from the view of the mailbox, they are not completely deleted. They are retained till the Deleted Item Retention period expires in what’s fondly referred to as the Dumpster— not to be confused with the Transport Dumpster maintained by Hub Transport servers. Deleted […]

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Unraveled: The Mystery of the Disappearing Exchange Update Rollup 4

Did you really see Exchange 2007 Update Rollup 4 appear and then quickly disappear earlier this week? Scott Roberts explains in ‘The case of disappearing Rollup Update 4‘ on the team blog.

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SCRIPT: Get Storage Group Backup Status

Exchange 2007 Mailbox Databases expose backup-related properties using the Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet: Get-MailboxDatabase “My Database” -status | select *backup* | fl What you get back:BackupInProgress :SnapshotLastFullBackup :SnapshotLastIncrementalBackup :SnapshotLastDifferentialBackup :SnapshotLastCopyBackup :LastFullBackup :LastIncrementalBackup :LastDifferentialBackup :LastCopyBackup : Here’s a quick shell script that dumps each Storage Group and its backup-related information. I haven’t had the time to build in […]

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Troubleshooting Exchange Performance: Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool

Interested in monitoring and troubleshooting Exchange Server performance? Check out the Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) tool on CodePlex. PAL creates some great reports that provide a better analysis of Exchange performance data than actually looking at perfmon counters all day. Mike Lagase has more details in his blog post “Performance Troubleshooting using the PAL […]

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HOW TO: Prevent annoying spam from your own domain

One of the more annoying types of spam is the one that seems to be coming from your own domain; or worse— from your own email address! Of course, users from your own domain don’t generally spam each other— unless you’re using one of the free web-based email services. And most of us don’t spam […]

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