The ClusApi.h file, which is part of the PlatformSDK should contain this… typedef enum CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { ClusterResourceStateUnknown = -1, ClusterResourceInherited = 0, ClusterResourceInitializing = 1, ClusterResourceOnline = 2, ClusterResourceOffline = 3, ClusterResourceFailed = 4, ClusterResourcePending = 128, ClusterResourceOnlinePending = 129, ClusterResourceOfflinePending = 130 } CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE; HTH Alain is (now) WMI Program Manager at Microsoft and […]
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The WMI ExchangeClusterResource class has 5 properties: 1) Name: returns name of Exchange cluster resource 2) Type: specifies the cluster resource type (IP Address, network name, etc.) 3) Owner: specifies the cluster node that the resource is running on (changes with failover) 4) VirtualMachine: returns name of the Virtual Machine that owns the resource 5) […]
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