Managed Folders: How to apply different Managed Content Settings to Default Folders

Exchange Server 2007’s Managed Folders come in two flavors: 1) Managed Default Folders 2) Managed Custom Folders. Default folders are the ones created by default in user mailboxes, such as Inbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items. Custom Folders are the result of a much-requested feature by Exchange folks over the years: Can I create a […]

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Novell credits Microsoft for booming SUSE Linux sales

Novell reported a 243% jump in sales of its SUSE Linux operating system, crediting its alliance with Microsoft. Interesting development, after the initial teething issues the two companies have had with their relationship, and the open source community’s quick kneejerk reaction (not that it wasn’t expected… ) to it.

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Gmail flaw allows forwarding messages to attacker’s mailbox

As I sat watching a cool video put together by “Gmail fans” yesterday, reports of a flaw with Google’s popular web-based email service were beginning to appear. The flaw allows an attacker to create a filter to forward a victim’s messages to any email address specified by the attacker. Scary stuff – Gmail is one […]

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Exchange Server 2007: How to get a list of Exchange ActiveSync users

Getting a list of actual Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) users was not an easy task with Exchange Server 2003, and certainly not one that could be accomplished in a hurry. Yes, it indeed is a one-liner shell command with Exchange Server 2007: Get-CASMailbox | where {$_.HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership} | select Name 10/7/2008:Here’s an updated version, which uses the […]

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Zenprise in Network World’s ‘9 Wireless Network Companies To Watch’

Zenprise was named as one of the ‘9 Network Wireless Companies To Watch’ by Network World. From ‘ on” href=”″>Network World: Why it’s worth watching: Zenprise for BlackBerry software was launched in February 2007. Two months later, when RIM’s North American BlackBerry network crashed, Zenprise customers were perhaps the only people on the continent […]

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Set Message Size Limits in Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007

In Distribution Groups and maximum recipients per message, we looked at how the maximum recipients per message settings are treated differently by Exchange Server 2010/2007 and Exchange 2003/2000 when sending to Distribution Groups. Message size limits are an important mechanism to control mailbox sizes, guarantee service availability, and protect from potential DoS attacks. Another commonly […]

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Entourage 2008: OOFs coming to the Mac

With the release of Office 2008 for the Mac, Entourage users will be able to use Out of Office messages just like the rest of the world (i.e. Windows users with Microsoft Outlook) have been doing forever. Entourage 2008 supports Exchange Server 2007’s enhanced OOF functionality, including the ability to schedule OOF start and stop […]

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One more thing: iPhone’s 33% cheaper in 10 weeks

Did you rush out to buy the cool new and way overhyped 8 Gb iPhone on Day 1 for $599? You must love Jobs’ announcement this morning – the music player + cell phone + web surfing + email (sans Exchange ActiveSync, of course.. ) device just got a 33% price cut. You can now […]

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Quick Poll: Moving to Exchange Server 2007?

Where are you, your organization or your customers (in case you’re a consultant or vendor) on the road to Exchange Server 2007? Been there, done that? On the way? Perhaps next year? Take this quick poll and find out where other responders are.

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Distribution Groups and maximum recipients per message

In Exchange Server 2003, you can restrict maximum number of recipients per message in the following places: Global Settngs (Message Delivery -> properties | Defaults) Figure 1: Max recipients in Global Settings | Message Delivery -> properties | Defaults tab SMTP Virtual Server -> properties | Messages ADUC -> recipient -> properties | Exchange General […]

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