Released: Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V

While I was away yesterday, Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V made its public debut (RTMed in Microsoftese). I know what you’re thinking: Let the Microsoft PR storm begin, VMWare has a better virtualization product, and other unbloggable thoughts… :). I’ve been using Hyper-V for a few months now, and all I can say is— it’s been […]

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Exchange Quick Audit: mailboxes created in last 7 days

I remember writing plenty of scripts to report on different things such as user accounts created every week/month, user accounts modified, accounts disabled, etc. for SOX compliance. Some of those scripts used to be rather long, and in hindsight— involved a lot more lines of code than an administrator should have to write. Although I […]

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Released: Transporter Suite v08.02.0053

An updated version of the Transporter Suite— a set of tools for interoperability and migration from Lotus Domino and generic POP/IMAP servers to Exchange Server 2007, has been released. Download Transporter Suite v08.02.0053 from here. Updated release notes are here. If you’re getting started on an interop or migration project, take a look at Resources […]

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Modifying Display Templates and additional attributes

Recently got a question about customizing the GAL and my previous post that talks about it: “HOW TO: Modify Display Template to make default email address appear in Address Book/GAL“. In Exchange 2010/2007, the new Details Template Editor can be found in EMC | Tools. The editor makes it much easier to modify templates and […]

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List Exchange ActiveSync users and device information in Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010

One of the requirements for managing mobile devices in an organization is reporting on users with a mobile device, the model or type of device, and optionally other information such as the DeviceID, the time of the last successful connection. In How to get a list of Exchange ActiveSync users we list Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) […]

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Exchange Server and UPN Suffixes for an OU

What’s a UPN? Back from the Windows NT days and NetBIOS-style NT domain names, we’ve been used to logging in using the DOMAIN\Username format. With the shift to Active Directory in Windows 2000 Server, we have the ability to use a User Principal Name, which is a login that looks like (and can be generally […]

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Community content in Exchange docs: the wikization begins!

Microsoft recently started allowing community content (annotations/links) in Exchange documentation on TechNet. Initially available for Exchange 2003 documentation, this feature was recently expanded to Exchange 2007 documentation as well. At the bottom of each page in Exchange documentation (on TechNet) you’ll see the links to add community content. Figure 1: Links to add community content […]

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ISA 2006 SP1: Support for SAN certs, and new features

When ISA Server 2006 SP1 rolls out this summer, there will be some cool new features to look forward to, including support for SAN certificates. Having started using Proxy Server 1.0 (I know… hold on to your comments for now.. :) back in the days, I turned away from ISA’s predecessor(s) for a few years […]

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HTC Touch Diamond: Cure for iPhone Envy?

While I was out at TechEd last week, the new 3G iPhone was announced. From the previous announcement, we knew it’ll have EAS support. While many await the new EAS-capable, 3G iPhone, and yet many debate on whether it’ll make inroads in the enterprise, there’s something else on the horizon that’s quickly becoming the object […]

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Starting Task Manager in RDP or VM sessions

You have a RDP (Terminal Services) session or a Virtual Machine session open, where the CTRL-ALT-DEL key combination fires up the Windows Logn/Security dialog on the host computer rather than the RDP or VM session you have open. Getting to the Task Manager involves some mouse-clicks in such situations— Start -> Windows Security -> Task […]

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