January 2009

Extended Email Outage At The White House

One would have thought the email woes that plagued the previous administration would be a thing of the past. Apparently not. Members of the still-transitioning Obama team have been without email for over eight hours, thanks to a “server outage”. Ironically, even the tech-savvy Obama administration is not immune to the perpetual email woes at […]

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Gartner refutes IBM’s Notes marketshare claim

In a recent press release ahead of its annual LotusSphere conference, IBM claimed that Notes is narrowing the lead Microsoft Exchange has. Garnter analyst Tom Austin says: I don’t believe that in either revenue or user seat share, that IBM is closing the gap [with Microsoft]. The gap is getting bigger and bigger. and: IBM […]

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Just posted: Exchange 14 video on Exchange team blog

The first public sighting of E14, aka Exchange 14, has been reported on the Exchange team blog! KC Lemson and Jim Lucey from the product team tell you more about the exciting developments around E14 in a video. Head over to the team blog to see Exchange 14 in action!

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Evolution of Windows Media Center

With the public availability of Windows 7 beta announced at CES 2009, Media Center aficionados are eagerly waiting for the updated Windows Media Center experience in the new OS. For me, Media Center has been the big reason to upgrade home PCs to Windows Vista, and looks like that will continue with Windows 7. I […]

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Exchange Server 2007: The Complete Reference

Searching previous blog posts, I am amazed that I never posted about the book being published early this last year! Yes, Exchange Server 2007: The Complete Reference, the book my coauthors (Exchange MVPs Richard Luckett and William Lefkovics) and I burnt a lot of midnight oil writing, was published soon after I joined Microsoft last […]

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Switcher’s Lament: CNET Editor’s Case Against The Mac

It’s been a fun year watching those cute Apple commercials urging you to switch to a Mac. Yes, many of us love Apple’s beautifully engineered hardware, and may have fallen for the charms of an iPhone (although strictly as a case study in usability… :), but switching to the Mac OS as your primary computing […]

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