July 2006

More about the out-html | out-ie functionality

Just heard back from Vivek – apparently this functionality is actually provided by a couple of commandlets that he blogged about earlier – you can read it here. Save the following code in a file called out-ie.msh in \Program Files\Microsoft Command Shell\v1.0 folder: $ie = new-object -com InternetExplorer.Application$ie.navigate(“about:blank”)while ($ie.busy) { sleep 1 }$ie.visible = $true$ie.document.write(“$input”)# […]

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PowerShell video presentation by Vivek Sharma & Mihai Jalobeanu

Did you miss Vivek & Mihai’s excellent and very well-received presentation at TechEd in Boston? No worries if you didn’t make it – the product team is doing a great job putting this and a lot of other content on the Exchange team blog. This one titled “Exchange Management Shell in Action” gives you some […]

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HELO RFC 2821: Telnetting to Gmail’s SMTP servers

Telnetting to SMTP port of a mail server is a common troubleshooting task to test SMTP connectivity and mail flow that most of us do ever so frequently. After the initial HELO/EHLO command, you issue a MAIL FROM command that provides a return path to the receiving server – generally the SMTP address of the […]

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Exchange Server 2007: Internet email without Edge servers

The Edge Transport server role is not a required role. It’s good to have if you don’t want to expose your domain-joined Exchange servers to the internet, and the high amount of spam that mail gateways receive and filter. Nevertheless, many small environments— typically those with a single Exchange server, do not have that luxury. […]

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Beta 2 is here!

Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 has been posted on microsoft.com for public download. You can download it from here. Here’s what you’ll need to set up Beta 2: 1. Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1: x861. Dot Net Framework 2.0: Download x86 x642. Windows PowerShell (aka “Monad”): x86 x643. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0: x86 […]

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Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 drop on July 24!

Scott Schnoll just posted about this – so I guess it is public info now… :) Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 will be available for download some time on Monday (July 24) from http://www.microsoft.com/exchange/default.mspx. Most of you may already know this – a 32-bit version is also being made available for testing and training – […]

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Update: India blocks access to blogs

In an interesting twist, India’s Department of Telecom (DoT) has now directed ISPs in the country which blocked access to blogs hosted on Google’s BlogSpot, TypePad, and some Yahoo GeoCities sites to “strictly comply with the order dated July 13th and provide unhindered access to the Internet except for the Web sites/Web pages which have […]

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India blocks access to blogs

Reportedly, the Indian government has blocked access to many blog sites, including Google’s popular BlogSpot service, as reported by News.com. Understandably, many Indians and non-Indians alike are terribly upset and even enraged by this move, coming from a democratic country like India which takes pride in a free press and freedom of speech. What’s more, […]

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Featured Expert on TechTarget’s ExpertAnswerCenter.com

I am playing the “Featured Expert” for TechTarget’s ExpertAnswerCenter.com web site for the next 2 weeks starting today. I will be answering questions from users/visitors, and blogging on their web site – the first blog post talks about some of the changes we’ll be looking at now that Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 is just […]

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Exchangepedia is recovering from an outage

Finally, the server that this blog is hosted on reached what appears to be end-of-life yesterday while I was out all day on an engineering off-site with no internet access (on purpose, to make it more productive!). I didn’t notice it till I got home last night. Serves me right for continuing to use an […]

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