October 2005

Creating an additional SMTP Virtual Server in a EVS

Creating an additional SMTP Virtual Server in a non-clustered environment is pretty straightforward. The same task is a little more complicated in a clustered environment. Before you begin:Need to consider whether you want the new SMTP VS to listen on the same IP address but on a different port or listen on the default SMTP […]

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Exchange Server 2003 SP2, using SenderID? You need this hotfix!

If you’ve just upgraded to Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 and have enabled Sender ID filtering, you need to apply a hotfix to prevent the server from stopping to respond. According to the KBA, the problem occurs because of a race condition caused by the SMTP protocol. A race condition occurs when a device […]

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SCRIPT: Show mailbox limits

At times the user’s mailbox limits are adjusted to bypass the limits set on a store or all stores by a policy. This is done by unchecking 1) “Use mailbox store defaults” in user’s properties –> Exchange General –> Storage Limits. New values can be added for 2) “Issue warning at (KB):”, 3) “Prohibit send […]

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Problem creating EVS (System Attendant Resource)

When creating the System Attendant resource for a new EVS, you get the following error: Invalid network addresswin 32 Error code C00706ab Creation of SA resource fails. Problem:Network card binding order. Resolution:1. Go to Network Connections folder (command line: ncpa.cpl)2. Go to Advanced menu Advanced.3. In Adapters and Bindings tab, under Connections make sure the […]

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Exporting Sender Filter List

Messages from specific senders can be blocked by implementing sender filtering. Blocked senders are specified in Global Settings Message Delivery properties Sender Filtering tab (see screenshot). The Senders list is saved in the msExchTurfListNames attribute of the Default Message Filter object. It is a multi-valued attribute. It can be exported using ldifde/csvde if you take […]

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Exchange Server 2003 SP2 and IMF

Before you install Exchange Server 2003 SP2 you need to uninstall Intelligent Message Filter (IMF). When you do this, the settings from the SMTP virtual server where you allowed filtering are also removed. After SP installation if you go to Intelligent Message Filtering settings (Global Settings -> Message Delivery -> Properties -> Intelligent Message Filtering […]

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Sending mail from telnet session

This procedure is commonly used to troubleshoot SMTP hosts. In combination with a nslookup query for MX records for a domain (listed after this) you can successfully figure out if a given domain can receive internet email successfully. 1) Open a telnet session to a SMTP – let’s say foo.mydomain.com – or an IP addresstelnet […]

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List users with automatic email forwarding enabled

Here’s a script written in response to a newsgroup post today on microsoft.public.exchange.admin. Exchange Server allows you to automatically forward inbound mail for one recipient to another recipient. You can forward messages to the alternate recipient, without delivering a copy to the original recipient (effectively redirecting inbound mail for the recipient), or deliver messages to […]

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Move Exchange to a new server

So you’re ready to upgrade your Exchange server. You bought a shiny new box with the latest & greatest CPU, loaded it with as much RAM as you could afford, and bought the fastest, biggest drives. How do you “move” your Exchange over to a new server? Exchange MVP Ed Crowley has this well-documented on […]

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Treo 700 – a wish come true

When I first saw the Treo – then from Handspring, a company started by ex-Palm folks that was later acquired by Palm – I instantly fell in love with it. It had a great color display and a very usable keyboard. The part I didn’t fall in love with was, of course, the Palm OS. […]

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