November 2004

Track Hotfix/Patch Installation

What’s the best way to track when and which hotfixes/patches were applied? It’s an endless debate amongst IT pros. Some would like to do it through dedicated patch management software. Some store this info in databases, even spreadsheets. Here are a few handy ways to track this info – I’ve used a combination of these […]

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SnapDrive 3.1 requires 3 hotfixes (2 avail only from PSS)

Want to upgrade NetApp SnapDrive 3.x to 3.1? You’ll need 3 hotfixes, 2 of these cannot be downloaded from You need to call Microsoft Product Support Services for these : 1. KB838894 – An updated Storport storage driver (version 5.2.3790.173) is available for Windows Server 2003 2. KB831112 – [Call PSS] You cannot import […]

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HTML: Add a BACK text link (Javascript)

To add a “Back” text link to a web page: <a href=”JavaScript:history.back(1)”>the past</a> Using VBScript and FORM button: <form method=”POST” name=”VBScript_Nav_Sample”> <input type=”button” name=”Go Back!” value=”VBScript_Backup_Sample” language=”VBScript” onclick=”call window.history.back(1)” /< </form> Using Javacript and FORM button: <form> <input type=”button” value=”Button” name=”B3″ onclick=”javascript:history.back(1)” /> </form> From Microsoft KB Q205693

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