• 1. London, UK
  • 2. New York, NY
  • 3. Sydney, Australia
  • 4. Melbourne, Australia
  • 5. Moscow, Russia
  • 6. Singapore
  • 7. Paris, France
  • 8. Chicago, IL
  • 9. Hong Kong
  • 10. Houston, TX
Bharat Suneja

Monday, December 24, 2007

Exchangepedia reader Guamaniac has an interesting tip in the comments on "Exchange 2007 Content Filter: The Whitelist Is Here!":
Get-ContentFilterConfig should give you a list of all the content filter settings on that particular Transport server.

And I know this is the simplest of features in PowerShell, but I just love the fact that you can pipe output to the clipboard:

get-contentfilterconfig | clip

and then peruse in your favorite text editor!
I'm used to simply highlighting the output using the mouse (which adds it to the clipboard). You need to enable QuickEdit on the command prompt window to be able to use this cut-and-paste functionality..

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

You can change the fully-qualified domain name (fqdn) used by a SMTP virtual server from its properties | Delivery tab | Advanced | Fully-qualified domain name. In the following example, we change the fqdn of a SMTP virtual server from its default - letter.exchangelabs.net, to postcard.exchangelabs.net.

Changing fqdn in SMTP VS properties
Figure 1: Changing the fully-qualified domain name in SMTP Virtual Server properties

What this does:
1. Changes the fqdn displayed in the SMTP banner.
2. Changes the fqdn provided in HELO/EHLO command when sending outbound mail (see relevant part of a packet capture)
3. The fqdn provided in HELO/EHLO commands shows up in the Received headers in the message.

Delivered-To: [email protected]
Received: by with SMTP id l12cs257007wff;
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:24:25 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with SMTP id 1mr2552630wao.27.1197991464897;
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:24:24 -0800 (PST)
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from postcard.exchangelabs.net (64-169-85-157.ded.pacbell.net [])
by mx.google.com with ESMTP id m40si5110107wag.2007.;
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:24:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject: test fqdn
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:22:22 -0800
Message-ID: <086C0984D0478545845025F046CD4E3F037678@LETTER.exchangelabs.net>
From: "Joe Adams" <[email protected]>
To: "foo" <[email protected]>

What it doesn't do:
- Doesn't change the fqdn used in the Message-ID, as seen in the above headers.

[Act surprised... ]: Now why can't the SMTP VS change the Message-ID as well?
Because RFC 2822 says so - a Message-ID is a globally unique identifier of a message. Once created, the Message-ID for a particular instance of a message should not be changed. It allows one to track messages, and correlate multiple messages to the same thread (using additional header fields like references and in-reply-to).

It's not very often that the SMTP VS encounters messages without Message-IDs. SMTP clients generally generate the Message-ID. When using Outlook (MAPI) or OWA, the Exchange Store generates it. When the SMTP VS sees a message without a Message-ID, it does create one. Try this by telnetting (I'm working on getting this word officially recognized as a verb... :) to the SMTP port of the server, and sending a message. The SMTP VS accepts the messages, and provides you with a Message-ID that uses the changed fqdn.

Changing the fqdn doesn't really "hide" the original fqdn of your server, and the server's IP address is still visible in message headers. As such, it is merely a cosmetic change that doesn't accomplish much in most scenarios. (I frequently refer to and quote Scott Landry's excellent post on the team blog: SMTP Virtual Server Myths Exposed. It's a must-read - Scott addresses the fqdn issue in Myth 3b: Modifying The FQDN of the SMTP Virtual Server).

Does changing the fqdn on the SMTP virtual server ever make sense? Yes, in some scenarios:
- SMTP VS that serves as a Bridgehead for outbound internet mail, if the server's original fqdn uses an invalid or unregistered domain or the hostname has an underscore (_) character (Refer to KBA 841091: Characters that are not supported for object names in Exchange). However, rather than using the default SMTP virtual server for outbound/inbound internet mail, it is recommended to create an additional SMTP Virtual Server for this.
- If the Exchange server has more than 1 SMTP virtual server

SMTP Virtual Server FQDNs and Service Principal Name

If you do decide to change the fqdn on the default SMTP virtual server, ExBPA will warn you about a missing Service Principal Name (SPN) in AD.

ExBPA error: Missing Service Principal Name
Figure 2: ExBPA error: Missing Service Principal Name. More information

Also take a look at the Kerberos authentication issue that may cause messages to be NDRed with a 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected], mentioned in KB 914137: Exchange Protocol Security authentication fails after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 on a server that has multiple SMTP virtual servers in Exchange Server 2003.

If the fqdn field does all of the above, what does the Masquerade domain do?

Figure 3: Changing the masquerade domain in SMTP Virtual Server properties

The online documentation provides a hint:
"Use this text box to type an alternate domain for other SMTP servers to use when sending non-delivery reports (NDRs). NDRs will be returned to the alternate domain specified, instead of the domain from which the email originated."
If you change the masquerade domain, restart the SMTP VS and send a test message, chances are you won't see any changes in message headers.

The Masquerade domain setting works when the SMTP VS is a bridgehead for a Connector, and the mailbox that is used to send a message does not reside on the same server.

If it is a Bridgehead for a Connector, the SMTP VS changes the Return-Path header so NDRs are returned to the masquerade domain, as seen in the following headers (irrelevant header fields removed):

Delivered-To: [email protected]
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from letter.exchangelabs.net (64-169-85-157.ded.pacbell.net [])
by mx.google.com with ESMTP id b2si10345244rvf.2007.;
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:05:29 -0800 (PST)
Received: from STAMP.exchangelabs.net ([]) by letter.exchangelabs.net with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2499);
Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:03:33 -0800
Subject: Test masquerade from Jonstamp
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:03:33 -0800
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: "Joe Onstamp" <[email protected]>
To: "foo" <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]

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Monday, December 17, 2007

One of the more useful improvements in Exchange Server 2007 is the abundance of logging for different features and components (read previous post "Exchange Server 2007: How many logs hath thee?"). In particular, the antispam agent logs fill an important gap in monitoring, reporting and troubleshooting message flow as it relates to antispam agents (read previous post "Exchange Server 2007: Managing And Filtering Anti-Spam Agent Logs"). As a messaging/Exchange administrator, you want to be able to pin point what the antispam agents have been up to, and determine if particular messsages, or sending hosts, domains or email addresses have been blocked by any of the antispam agents. The antispam agent logs and the get-agentlog command allow you to do this quickly and efficiently.

In addition to the the get-agentlog command, Exchange Server 2007 also ships with a number of canned scripts that help you keep tabs on what the agents are doing. These scripts are found in the \Exchange Server\Scripts directory, where \Exchange Server is the path of the Exchange Server 2007 installation. Note, no documentation or support is available for these scripts - they are meant to be examples you can use to write your own scripts. Let's take a peek in the directory and see what we find.

Commandline parameters used by antispam scripts

Most of the following scripts take the same (optional) parameters.
-top n: Where n is the number of results to display. If not specified, the script defaults to (top) 10.
-StartDate: Start date/time
-EndDate: End date/time
-location: path of agent log files. If no path is specified, the agent works against the default agent log file location.

1. Get-AntispamFilteringReport.ps1: Takes one of the following values as a mandatory parameter: 1) connections 2) commands 3) messagesrejected 4) messagesdeleted 5) messagesquarantined, and displays statistics for each agent.
2. Get-AntispamSCLHistogram.ps1: Provides a breakdown of number of messages stamped with each SCL value.
3. Get-AntispamTopBlockedSenderDomains.ps1: Lists top ten sender domains from which mail was blocked.
4. Get-AntispamTopBlockedSenderIPs.ps1: Lists the top ten IP addresses blocked by antispam agents, and number of messages blocked from each.
5. Get-AntispamTopBlockedSenders.ps1: Lists the top ten blocked senders (SMTP email addresses) and number of messages blocked from each. The script can report on P1 (i.e. address in message envelope in the MAIL header) or P2 addresses (from headers in message body like FROM). Specify the option as a commandline argument (optional parameters -top n, -StartDate, and EndDate used in this example):

.\Get-AntispamTopBlockedSenders.ps1 P1 -top 20 -StartDate "12/1/2007" -EndDate "12/10/2007"

Replace the P1 in the above command with P2 to report on P2 senders.
6. Get-AntispamTopRBLProviders.ps1: Lists the top ten RBLs (aka "IP Block List Providers") and messages blocked by each (read previous post: "Exchange Server 2007: How are RBLs performing?").
7. Get-AntispamTopRecipients.ps1: Lists the top ten recipient addresses that receive spam. The addresses may or may not exist in your Organization - the reporting is based on actions taken by antispam agents on incoming messages. Recipient Filtering with Recipient Validation (dropping messages for recipients that do not exist in AD/GAL) is a great way to drop a large number of messages.

The following scripts are not used for reporting:
8. Reset-AntispamUpdates.ps1: Uninstalls any antispam updates and reinstalls the original "out-of-box" antispam data.
9. Install-AntispamAgents.ps1: By default, antispam agents are not installed on the Hub Transport server role (read previous post: "HOW TO: Install anti-spam agents on Hub Transport server"). This script installs them if you need to.
10. Uninstall-AntispamAgents.ps1: Uninstalls antispam agents.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

I haven't posted too many updates from Zenprise lately. Zenprise v3.3 will ship soon, and the regular stream of customers throughout the year has been a great validation of Zenprise's approach to monitoring and real-time troubleshooting of Microsoft Exchange Server and BlackBerry environments.

Boston RedSox logoThe exciting news - standing here during the attendee party at TechEd 2006, I couldn't have thought of this possibility. Yes! The Boston Red Sox became a Zenprise customer earlier this year (Go Red Sox!).

Al Sacco writes about the Red Sox's Zenprise experience in this CIO magazine article.

Twenty-four/seven connectivity is a must for the 2007 world champion Boston Red Sox's behind-the-scenes champions, and the team counts on a mobile device management (MDM) product from Zenprise to ensure that its BlackBerrys never strike out.

"Within four days of having the product in, we were able to correlate root cause and be able to show ROI from that," Conley says. "Within a month, a problem that was ongoing for five to six months just disappeared." Better yet, he notes, fewer people were calling his team with problems. Instead, the Zenprise tool began offering early warnings on issues so he could report them to users before noticeable problems appeared.

Conley says that since the day his team installed Zenprise for BlackBerry, the Red Sox IT staff has been able to find root causes for every BlackBerry-related issue they've encountered, major or minor, and promptly address those issues with confidence that the suggested fixes will work.

Today, Conley has only one person who spends any of his time—a mere 10 percent—on BlackBerry support. Zenprise does the rest, he says. A year ago, two IT staffers handled BlackBerry support and the organization had only a quarter of the devices it supports today.
Read more on CIO.com: "Eyes on Zenprise: How the 2007 World Champion Boston Red Sox's IT Shop Keeps BlackBerrys in the Game".

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Disabled mailboxes: Can they really receive email?

Posted by Bharat Suneja at 5:47 PM
Some truths you live with for a lifetime, like Outlook users cannot send email using an alternate email address (with Outlook in MAPI mode - read previous post: "HOW TO: Send as alternate email address"). Others change as Microsoft Exchange evolves, either through new versions of Exchange server, or service packs and hotfixes.

Disabled mailboxes cannot receive email. Or rather, could not receive email. This has been true all this while, and hasn't changed in Exchange 2000, Exchange Server 2003, including SP1 and SP2.

The reason is described in Microsoft KBA 319047 - "You receive a non-delivery report when you send a message to a disabled account".

In addition to not being able to receive email, administrators face a few other operational issues when managing disabled mailboxes:

- A common scenario: An employee leaves. You disable the account, as part of a standard operating procedure followed in most organizations. You assign his/her manager/co-worker/replacement permissions to access the mailbox. If the mailbox is disabled, they can't access it!
- A disabled mailbox needs to be be enabled first before it can be moved (KBA 278966: "You cannot move or log on to an Exchange resource mailbox")
- The Application Event Log is flooded with annoying Event ID 9548s, informing you that the disabled account does not have a msExchMasterAccountSID attribute populated - something most Exchange administrators have probably gnashed their teeth at a few times a day.

Workarounds exist to populate the msExchMasterAccountSID attribute with the well-known SELF SID (KBA 322890 "How to associate an external account with an existing Exchange 2000 mailbox"), but not something you want to do on a regular interval after every account, or a bunch of them, are disabled.

The hotfix mentioned in KBA 903158: "A hotfix is available to modify the way that Exchange Server 2003 handles a disabled Active Directory user account that is associated with an Exchange Server 2003 mailbox" changes that behavior. It makes the Store act as if a disabled account with a null/empty msExchMasterAccountSID attribute actually has the SELF SID.

All the above actions (and more) complete successfully for disabled accounts. Yes, disabled accounts receive email if you have this hotfix applied - or any subsequent hotfix that updates Store.exe to version 6.5.7234.3 or later.

But what if I don't want disabled accounts to receive email? To prevent disabled accounts from receiving any email, setup Delivery Restrictions (in ADUC | user -> properties | Exchange General tab) to:

Delivery Restrictions dialog box in Exchange General tab
Figure 1: Setting Delivery Restrictions on a recipient to prevent receiving mail

1. Receive mail from authenticated users only: With Recipient Filtering enabled, this will drop internet mail at the gateway or the first Exchange server that receives inbound internet mail
2.Receive mail only from: a particular Distribution Group (use a Distribution Group with no members).

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Redmond on Exchange's Evolving Strategy

Posted by Bharat Suneja at 3:00 PM
Tony Redmond outlines his perspective of how Exchange will evolve over E14 and onwards in this Windows IT Pro article. The key areas, according to Redmond, are automation, virtualization, mobility, Unified Communications, Information Management, and Software as a Service (SaaS). Read "Exchange's Evolving Strategy" on WinItPro.com (requires subscription).

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Schwartz: Zero tolerance for zero retention

Posted by Bharat Suneja at 8:23 AM
On the first anniversary of the Federal Rules for Civil Procedure (PDF), which provide guidelines for e-discovery, InfoWorld editor Ephraim Schwartz discusses the implications in his Reality Check column. Read more in "Zero tolerance for zero retention".

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The instructions in Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell allow you to quickly create mailboxes in bulk using the New-Mailbox command.

Continuing from where we left off in that post, another scenario is being able to add Active Directory attributes to the new user object created by New-Mailbox. Note, the New-Mailbox command can populate only a limited set of AD attributes for an object - those related to Exchange. These are listed in the documentation for New-Mailbox.

To add AD attributes, the logical choice would be to use the New-User command to create the user, and mailbox-enable it by using Enable-Mailbox. This would work great, except for the fact that the New-User command doesn't exist! The key thing to remember is - Exchange provides only the commands necessary to create Exchange recipients. So you have commands like New-Mailbox, New-MailUser, New-MailContact, New-PublicFolder/New-MailPublicFolder, and New-DistributionGroup. However, there are no AD-equivalents like New-User, New-Contact (to create a Contact that's not mail-enabled), New-SecurityGroup or New-Group.

PowerShell and Active Directory

Active Directory isn't really PowerShell-enabled, as other components of Windows - like the file system, registry, etc., and Exchange Server 2007 are. There are no AD-related commands (Cmdlet? Shell folks, was it really necessary to introduce another word to the jargon - one that uses the entire word "command"? Perhaps something shorter would've been nicer if you wanted to have a unique word... :-) You can use the Directory Services provider, but that essentially leaves you in VBScript mode, with some PowerShell goodness! A little easier, but not natively shell, as you are used to with Exchange commands.

Quest adds these much-needed commands through its free add-on Management Shell for AD. Download it here. Quest has named them so they're differentiated from future commands that will be available natively in PowerShell. For the time being, the quirkiness of typing commands with a Q - as in New-QADUser instead of New-ADUser or New-User - is something we will have to live with, until AD is PowerShell-enabled.

Kudos to the folks at Quest for making these available for free.

Also take a look at PowerShell Community Extensions - it has an Active Directory provider that lets you navigate AD like a file system.

If you already have a user created, you can use the Set-User command to populate its AD-related attributes.

To accomplish what we want to do here (thanks to Evan Dodds for the input), we use the New-Mailbox command, and pipe the output to Set-User to populate AD attributes. In the following example, we add the Phone attribute, besides using the Alias, Name and UserPrincipalName attributes used to create the mailbox.

Add the Phone column in our CSV/spreadsheet, so it looks like the following:

User_One,User One,[email protected],650.555.1121
User_Two,User Two,[email protected],650.656,2221
User_Three,User Three,[email protected],650.797.3321

Now we modify the script/commands from the previous post:

$password=Read-Host "Enter Password" -AsSecureString

Import-CSV "c:\CreateRecipients.csv" foreach {new-mailbox -alias $_.alias -name $_.name -UserPrincipalName $_.UPN -database "Mailbox Database" -org "Users" -Password $password | set-user -phone $_.phone}

The above command(s) create the user account as part of New-Mailbox. When we pipe that to Set-User, we still have a reference to that object, and can use Set-User to populate the AD attribute Phone. (Changes made to the command from previous post highlighted.)

Related Posts:
- Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell
- Exchange Server 2007: Bulk mailbox-enabling users using Exchange Shell

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