November 2010

Auditing Distribution Group Membership Changes

Exchange 2010 includes Administrator Audit Logging functionality to log all administrator actions. Because all administrator actions, including those taken using the EMC and the new web-based ECP consoles must fire off a Shell command under the hood, admin audit logging records cmdlets that can make changes (the ones that use the New and Set verbs, […]

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Exchange ActiveSync: What is the Allow/Block/Quarantine List?

If you’re an Exchange admin happy about how Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) just hums along with mobile devices supporting the EAS protocol, and the multitude of devices that can now access Exchange without any admin intervention (OTA device activation and all that…), but also unhappy about the multitude of devices that can now access Exchange without […]

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Virtualizing Exchange? Microsoft addresses misleading VMWare guidance

Are you planning on deploying Exchange Server in a virtual environment, using hyervisors (aka hardware virtualization) such as Microsoft’s Hyper-V or VMWare’s ESXi/vSphere Hypervisor? Microsoft has frequently carried statements about supportability of Exchange Server in a hardware virtualization environment (see Microsoft support policies and recommendations for servers that are running Exchange Server in hardware virtualization […]

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