September 2010

Exchange team posts guidance for the ASP.NET vulnerability

Late last week Microsoft released Microsoft Security Advisory (2416728), “Vulnerability in ASP.NET Could Allow Information Disclosure. The vulnerability is being investigated by the Microsoft Security Research Center (MSRC). The Exchange team has just posted guidance for Exchange customers. Head over to Microsoft Security Advisory 2416728, the ASP.NET Vulnerability, and Exchange Server for details. Microsoft to […]

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Using Get-Hotfix to get a list of installed hotfixes

Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 requires a number of hotfixes to be installed. These are listed in Exchange 2010 Prerequisites in Exchange 2010 documentation and in the Exchange 2010 SP1 FAQ and Known Issues post on the Exchange team blog. While preparing a server for SP1, I erroneously kept trying to install the hotfixes […]

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Using Transport Rules to protect your organization from the ‘Here You Have’ Worm

The Here You Have worm, also known as Visal.B, has been spreading through network shares and email (more details on Microsoft’s Malware Protection Center web site). When spreading through email, the worm sends itself to your contacts with the following strings in the Subject field and message body: Subject: Here you have Body: Hello: This […]

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iPhone 4 Issues: Proximity Sensor, Dropped Calls, And The Free Bumper

I continue to live with the self-induced inconvenience of carrying an iPhone 4, and the resulting dropped calls. In fact, over time the dropped calls issue seems to be getting worse, and combined with the proximity sensor issue it seems to make the iPhone 4 virtually unusable about half the time. Photo courtesy Gizmodo Most […]

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Exchange 2010 SP1 and the Office 2010 Filter Packs

In Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007, Exchange Search uses Windows Search to index messages and supported attachments. Installation of 2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack is a pre-requisite for Exchange 2010 (RTM) setup, and after setup completes you must register the filters with Exchange Search. Register Filter Pack IFilters with Exchange 2010 has more information and […]

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Windows Phone 7 RTMs

Terry Myerson, CVP @Windows Phone, announced over on the Windows Phone blog that Windows Phone 7 has been released to manufacturing today. Congratulations to the Windows Phone team— let the fun begin! It sure has been a long wait, and unlike traditional hardware/software products, where RTM means you can probably download or purchase them on […]

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