August 2008

Quarantine Mailbox: Displaying original SCL, sender and recipients

In Exchange Server 2007, messages delivered to the quarantine mailbox show up as DSNs sent by the postmaster address of the default domain. In HOW TO: Expose original senders and recipients of quarantined messages, we modified the QTNE.cfg form for Microsoft Outlook to reveal original senders and recipients. Although the original sender and recipient fields […]

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Announced: Virtualization support for Exchange Server 2007

Exchange Server 2007 is now supported on Hyper-V and other (read “Non-Microsoft”) hypervisors validated under the Microsoft Server Vitualization Validation Program. Vendors participating in the program: Citrix, Cisco Systems, Novell, Sun Micrososystems, and Virtual Iron Software. The new support policy for Exchange in virtualized environments: Microsoft Support Policies and Recommendations for Exchange Servers in Hardware […]

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Exchange System Manager and Outlook on the same computer?

With the release of Exchange System Manager (ESM) for Windows Vista yesterday (Released: Exchange System Manager for Windows Vista), there’s been concern about the fact that ESM is not supported on the same computer as Microsoft Outlook. However, the coexistence of the two has not been a supported scenario for long. From KB 266418: Microsoft […]

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Released: Exchange System Manager for Windows Vista

If you’ve been waiting to install Exchange System Manager on Windows Vista, the wait is finally over. Exchange System Manager for Windows Vista is now available. Pre-requisites:– The computer should be a member of a domain which has Exchange Server 2003 SP2.– Windows Server adminpak (from Windows Server 2003 SP1 or Windows Server 2003 R2) […]

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Exchange Server Antispam Updates: Do I have the latest update?

Not sure if the Exchange 2007 or 2003 (IMF) updates on your system are the latest and greatest? Doubt if the automatic update process is working? You can use the Microsoft Update Catalog web site to search for these. You can also subscribe to the RSS feeds for each update (search result on the web […]

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TechNet Webcast: Disaster Recovery and SCR Deep Dive

Scott Schnoll’s doing a TechNet Webcast on High Availability in Exchange Server 2007 SP1: Disaster Recovery and SCR Deep Dive. What: TechNet Webast: High Availability in Exchange Server 2007 SP1 (Part 2 of 2):Disaster Recovery and SCR Deep Dive (Level 300)When: Friday, August 15, 2008 9:30 AM PacificWho: Scott Schnoll, Principal Technical WriterMore info and […]

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