November 2006

Exchange Server 2007 launch: some projections from Radicati

Exchange Server 2007 launches today in New York, along with Windows Vista and Office 2007. The Radicati Group has some interesting market share numbers and projections – Exchange has about 30% of the messaging software market, compared to IBM’s 20%, and takes in half of the $2.3 billion spent on messaging software worldwide. Yes, Exchange […]

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Update: Manually removing IMF v1

Scott Schnoll has an update regarding the recent post Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) v1 download removed from, and the issue of not being able to remove IMF v1 from Add/Remove Programs (if one doesn’t remember which account was used to install it or the account is no longer available) without reinstalling it. Here’s the […]

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HOW TO: Prevent sending display names with internet messages

Exchange Server and many other MTAs including most web-based services send the sender’s display name (e.g. “Joe User”) in email messages, in addition to the smtp (email) address. If you want to prevent sending display names in outbound internet mail for any reason, you can turn this off. Exchange Server 2003/2000 (Exchange System Manager):– Global […]

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Zinio Blues, and a broken PC Mag subscription

I’ve been an advocate of e-magazines – magazines that you can subscribe to and read on your computer using a modified PDF or similar format that preserves the publication’s original format and can be printed out if required. (Not as much of books online, because books are by definition longer than magazines, and usually require […]

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Exchange Server 2007: Questions before business launch

As posted earlier, Exchange Server 2007 will be launched next week (Nov. 30th is the date, along with Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007). Unlike Vista and Office 2007, Exchange Server 2007 has not gone RTM yet, but won’t be too long after the business launch. Q. What is RTM?A. Release to Manufacturing – that’s […]

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SCRIPT: Show OWA Users

This is a modified script that shows current OWA/HTTP logons to the Store(s) on a given server(s). The script takes NetBIOS names of servers as command-line arguments (separated by spaces), uses the Exchange_Logon WMI class to connect to a server and retrieve list of users currently logged on. Usage: ShowHTTPLogons.vbs EXCH1 EXCH2 EXCH3 If Cscript […]

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Installing Windows Server 2003 Admin Tools on Windows Vista

Like many IT folks, if you’re ahead of the pack and now have Windows Vista RTM running on your laptop or workstation, you’re probably wondering about or may already have tried running Windows Server 2003 admin tools (adminpak.msi) and Exchange System Manager on Vista. These admin tools are not officially supported on Vista yet. MVP […]

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Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) v1 download removed from

A newsgroup poster recently informed that Microsoft has removed Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) v1 download from the IMF downloads page. IMF v1 was a separate download. IMF (v2) is a part of Exchange Server 2003 SP2. Excerpt from IMF v1 Release Notes [still available here] regarding uninstalling IMF:To uninstall Intelligent Message Filter, use Add or […]

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Update – HOW TO: Find an email address in Active Directory

SKIP THIS POST and head over to Five and a half ways to find an email address in Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory, a comprehensive post that shows all the ways you can find an email address in Active Directory.  (OK, if you must really know, we merged content from this post with a previous […]

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Zenprise achieves Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status

Another interesting development at Zenpise – we just achieved Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status with an ISV/Software Solutions competency! Yes, that’s like moving up a notch in the Microsoft eco-system. Zenprise is also a member of Microsoft Management Alliance and the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Operations Manager 2007 TAP programs.

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