February 2005

Reinstall XP without activation

Ever needed to reinstall the OS on the same system and wondered if it’ll still activate? This lets you reinstall Windows XP without having to activate it again: Copy the file %systemroot%\system32\wpa.dbl (to removable media like floppy/CD if you plan to reformat the drive and do not have Reinstall Windows XP Copy the file back […]

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Windows Beats Linux in Live Security Contest

Interesting… I’ve since long held Windows as a more easily “securable” (provided you know how) OS. This just came in – from WinInfo Daily Update (Paul Thurrott, creator of SuperSite for Windows, part of the Windows IT Pro mag network).—————————————————– Windows Beats Linux in Live Security Contest During a live duel of sorts between backers […]

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Blackberry Enterprise Server upgrade to BES 4.0

UPGRADING FROM BES 3.X If you are running BES 3.x, the upgrade to 4.0 should theoretically be a simple one, but here are things to do before you click setup.exe:1) If running MSDE 7.x, upgrade to MSDE 2000 (shows up as MSDE 8.x in the admin tool). This is done by running setup.exe with upgrade=1 […]

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Microsoft to acquire Sybari Software

Microsoft will acquire Sybari Software, the company that makes best-of-breed antivirus (and antispam) products for Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SPS, and (yes!) Lotus Domino. Another best-of-breed acquisition to bolster Microsoft’s security portfolio – it bought Giant Company recently and is currently beta-testing the Microsoft-branded version of Giant’s antispyware. In mid-2003 it purchased the Romanian antivirus company […]

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Scripting: ExchangeClusterResource Class – Reply from Alain Lissoir

The ClusApi.h file, which is part of the PlatformSDK should contain this… typedef enum CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { ClusterResourceStateUnknown = -1, ClusterResourceInherited = 0, ClusterResourceInitializing = 1, ClusterResourceOnline = 2, ClusterResourceOffline = 3, ClusterResourceFailed = 4, ClusterResourcePending = 128, ClusterResourceOnlinePending = 129, ClusterResourceOfflinePending = 130 } CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE; HTH Alain is (now) WMI Program Manager at Microsoft and […]

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