Active Directory

Applying Managed Folder Policy to more than one user

Scenario: You have a Managed Folder Mailbox Policy called Policy-DeletedItems90Days. The policy has Managed Content Settings to permanently delete items in the Deleted Items folder after 90 days. You can easily apply this Managed Folder Mailbox Policy to a single user using the Exchange console, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Applying a Managed […]

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Send as alternate email address in Outlook and Exchange

This is one of the more frequently asked questions in different forums and still a major annoyance – how do I send as an alternate address (aka proxy address or alias)? In most organizations, users have multiple email addresses to meet business requirements such as multiple business units, business names and domain names, mergers, acquisitions […]

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HOW TO: Assign SendAs right using Exchange shell

In Exchange Server 2007 (and Exchange 2010), recipients are managed from the Exchange Management Console (EMC) or Exchange Management Shell (aka the Shell). EMC does not have a Security tab for recipients. You can still use Active Directory Users & Computers (ADUC) console to modify permissions on a recipient, as the documentation suggests [“How to […]

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SCRIPT: Show mailbox quotas (including Store & Policy quotas)

I had earlier posted a script that lists users’ mailbox limits/quotas [read previous post “SCRIPT: Show mailbox limits“]. That script only picks up users who have their mailbox limits set individually, bypassing the “normal” users who have their mailbox storage limits set by the Store or a System Policy. A related script that resets the […]

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Bulk mailbox-enabling users using Exchange Shell in Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007

In Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell, I wrote about how to bulk create mailboxes (including user accounts) from a CSV/text file. This post is in response to readers who asked for a way to mailbox-enable existing user accounts. Bulk mailbox-enabling users using the EMC The EMC allows you to […]

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Update – HOW TO: Find an email address in Active Directory

SKIP THIS POST and head over to Five and a half ways to find an email address in Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory, a comprehensive post that shows all the ways you can find an email address in Active Directory.  (OK, if you must really know, we merged content from this post with a previous […]

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Exchange Server 2007: Bulk creation of mailboxes using Exchange Management Shell

Bulk creation of mailboxes (and the accompanying user accounts) in Exchange Server 2003/2000 involved some elaborate scripting effort. This task can now be done fairly effortlessly, thanks to the Exchange Management Shell (EMS). The Shell can very easily import/use CSV files saved from a spreadsheet or text editor and create the mailbox-enabled users. Here’s how. […]

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Five and a half ways to find an email address in Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory

Every once in a while you try to assign a particular address to a recipient in Active Directory Users & Computers, only to be told someone already has that address! Email addresses need to be unique — two recipients can’t have the same email address. Here are a few different ways to find out whether […]

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List users with automatic email forwarding enabled

Here’s a script written in response to a newsgroup post today on Exchange Server allows you to automatically forward inbound mail for one recipient to another recipient. You can forward messages to the alternate recipient, without delivering a copy to the original recipient (effectively redirecting inbound mail for the recipient), or deliver messages to […]

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HOW TO: Export all email addresses from a domain

Background: The Active Directory Users & Computers (ADUC) UI lets you list the mail column for each object, which displays the default (SMTP) email address for objects. You can export the list from ADUC to a CSV/txt file. However, any additional email addresses in the proxyAddresses attribute are not exported. There’s no GUI interface (in […]

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