More on moving to WordPress and blog design

by Bharat Suneja

I keep getting comments from readers about the move to WordPress. I really do appreciate it! You have changed my perception about you! I used to think my blog readership is restricted to IT folks interested in Exchange Server, Security, Active Directory, and Windows. Thanks for all the comments – I now know a good number of you are interested in blogging, WordPress, and web design!

I haven’t written much about blogging other than the occasional post on moving to WordPress in the past. Longtime readers may have noticed the occasional post on typography (yes, a post about the Calibri font on an Exchange blog… but I’ve forever believed blogging should be fun! You’re welcome to skip the off-topic posts if you have no interest in them… :).

Some of you have written in that you like the design of the old blog (Exchangepedia Blog) and would like to have a copy of my theme when I have it ported to WordPress. As far as the design of this blog goes, post the move to WordPress I’m highly tempted to change things dramatically! Given time constraints it’s unlikely to be completed on the schedule I had in my mind, but when I do finish it I’ll make the theme available.

WordPress is like a breath of fresh air. This blog’s now running on WordPress 3.0 RC— I recently upgraded a test site to the pre-release code, and the seamless upgrade experience was impressive enough to prompt me to quickly upgrade this blog. WordPress also allows you to create non-blog web pages for your site, making it a great CMS for running an entire web site. It’s perfect for small business owners who can update their own sites very easily, and I’m loving what many theme designers are doing with it!

Please keep the comments coming, including comments on any design changes you like (or not!).

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Rihatum June 4, 2010 at 4:56 am

Great Blog !
Great theme – I will be anxiously awaiting the theme release :-)

Best of Luck !

A Few suggestions :

a) Try to get the print article to pdf plugin ( i haven’t used it but seen websites using it)
b) you can also use bbpress to integrate forums or buddypress to go social :-)
c) wp-touch plugin for your worpdress would be awesome and makes reading, posting from phones (iphone, android, bb) very easy.

Kind Regards


Bharat Suneja June 16, 2010 at 2:13 pm

@Rihatum: Thanks for the great feedback! I tried the wp-touch plug-in and the experience has been less than stellar, perhaps due to some malfunction with another plug-in. Will add it back after I upgrade to WordPress 3.0 final release.


rihatum June 22, 2010 at 8:51 am

WP3 is out, upgrade to it automatically, but make sure to take a db backup and also do an xml export of your articles via the dashboard ; then upgrade.

Will await your blog theme release :-)

WP-touch hasn’t given any problems to me so far, may be some other plugins disturbing it.

WP3 menus should prove good for you !!
Kind Regards


Bharat Suneja June 22, 2010 at 9:00 am

@rihatum: Upgraded as soon as it was released!
Will have another go at WP-Touch soon.


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