“TWO ENTREPRENEURS in Fremont are hoping to reach ‘Star Trek’ status with their e-mail troubleshooting software”, starts this report on InsideBayArea.com and in Bay Area newspapers.
It’s titled “E-mail doctors arrive on Zenprise to help“.
The mission: “To boldly go where no software has gone before”…
I’m mostly clueless about Startrek – memories of watching some of the early episodes as a teenager have all but faded, but I like the idea of Zenprise as starship Enterprise (I wouldn’t blame you for beginning to suspect the founders came up with this name because it rhymes with USS Enterprise), and you can see the Zenprise versions of Spock & Captain Kirk in the accompanying picture, along with some other crew members. The mission: “To boldly go where no software has gone before”… ? :)
I’ll reserve the more elaborate comments about this analogy for a non-existent internal blog…
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