In an earlier post, I tried to answer some questions about Exchange versions (32-bit and 64-bit issues), amongst other things [read previous post: “Exchange Server 2007: Questions before business launch“].
Users have a lot of questions about the differences between Enterprise and Standard editions, the 32-bit version strictly meant for testing/learning (and not supported in production) including questions about what “in production” really means, and licensing, amongst other things. This is evident from a number of posts on Exchange newsgroups and other forums.
Scott Schnoll has a comprehensive and well-written post on his blog that answers many of these questions – Exchange Server 2007: Platforms, Editions, Product Keys and Versions.
Things to note:
– The 32-bit version is always Standard Edition
– The 32-bit version does allow clustering – both SCC (Single Copy Cluster – aka “clusters-as-we-knew-them-circa-Exchange-2000/5.5”) and CCR (Cluster Continuous Replication) – else you wouldn’t be able to test these on 32-bit systems/virtual machines
– There are no plans to release service packs for the 32-bit version (perhaps to further discourage users from deploying the 32-bit version in production – Bharat)
– Virtualization: Exchange Server 2007 is not supported in virtual environments (yet) – Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 doesn’t support 64-bit VMs (virtual machines running 64-bit guest OS – though Virtual Server 2005 R2 software is available in a 64-bit version that can run on x64 processors). Before you ask, no official support for VMWare either – which does support 64-bit VMs.
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