Zenprise proactively detects BlackBerry N. America outage!

by Bharat Suneja

BlackBerry® users in North America were without email last night (Tuesday April 17th), thanks to an extended system-wide outage in Research In Motion’s network that handles email.

Zenprise customers report that Zenprise for BlackBerry automatically detected this outage in the BlackBerry SRP network at 5:19 PM last night, and were able to pro actively inform users about the outage and its underlying cause!

Interestingly, I did not find out about this outage myself until early this morning, when CNet’s News.com reported it (No, I don’t carry a BlackBerry with me… – Bharat). The report has since been updated to reflect the changed condition – BlackBerry e-mail is back, but problems remain.

This is another example of how Zenprise products – Zenprise for BlackBerry and Zenprise for Exchange – help IT departments in early detection of issues in messaging infrastructure along with their underlying root cause, and get step-by-step resolution instructions to resolve the issue. To state this using some marketing buzz words – it’s a pro-active way of managing IT (one that I hope will spill over to other parts of IT infrastructure in the future – Bharat).

Needless to say, we are “very excited” about these capabilities of Zenprise. :)

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