Exchange joins Microsoft’s Billion Dollar Club, gets new product roadmap

by Bharat Suneja

It happened in 2004. Microsoft Exchange Server crossed the $1 billion revenue threshold, joining Microsoft’s enviable stable of products that the software company can rely on for more than a billion dollars in revenues each year.

Exchange also got a new (ever-evolving?) product roadmap

SP2 will be released in second half of 2005. It will includes Microsoft’s SenderID framework.

A new release of Exchange – codename E12 or Exchange12 – will be released in the 2006-2007 timeframe. Wonder where the E12 codename came from? Perhaps from the next release of Microsoft Office (Office 2003, the last release, was Office11).

The previous code names for Exchange – Platinum and Titanium for 2000 and 2003 – sounded cool. Now we know Aluminium wasn’t the next in line. :)

More on InfoWorld: Microsoft reveals Exchange road map

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