Exchange Online Command Reference
Exchange Online/Office 365 offers IT pros exceptional manageability, plenty of fine grained controls and easy bulk operations using remote PowerShell. Each of the Office 365 workloads offer their own PowerShell cmdlets and endpoints to connect to in the service.
You can connect to Exchange Online using a few commands, as shown in Connect to Exchange Online using remote PowerShell. But it becomes far easier if you add the commands to your PowerShell profile. See Connect to Office 365 Using a PowerShell Function.
This table lists the Exchange Management Shell cmdlets available in Exchange Online. Of course, not all the control available in on-premises environments is available in or relevant to Exchange Online. For example, you don’t need to worry about Exchange mailbox databases, database availability groups (DAGs).
Microsoft updates Office 365 functionality at a cloud cadence, so new cmdlets may be added by such updates (and aren’t a part of this list). In all, you can control 259 configuration objects, each with multiple parameters/settings of their own, using 567 cmdlets.
Cmdlet | Use it to… |
Set-AcceptedDomain | Configure an existing accepted domain in your organization. An accepted domain is any SMTP namespace (a domain registered with an Internet domain registrar, or a sub-domain – e.g. or for which your Exchange organization sends and receives email. |
Get-AcceptedDomain | View configuration information for the accepted domains in your organization. |
Clear-ActiveSyncDevice | Delete all data from a mobile device. |
Remove-ActiveSyncDevice | Remove the specified mobile device partnership from a user’s mobile device list. The cmdlet will be removed in the future. Use Remove-MobileDevice cmdlet instead. |
Get-ActiveSyncDevice | |
New-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule | |
Remove-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule | |
Get-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule | |
Set-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule | |
Get-ActiveSyncDeviceClass | |
Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics | |
Get-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy | |
New-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy | |
Remove-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy | |
Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy | |
Set-ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings | |
Get-ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings | |
Get-AddressBookPolicy | |
Search-AdminAuditLog | |
Write-AdminAuditLog | |
Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | |
New-AdminAuditLogSearch | |
Enable-App | |
Get-App | |
Set-App | |
Disable-App | |
Remove-App | |
New-App | |
Get-AuditConfig | |
Get-AuditConfigurationPolicy | |
Remove-AuditConfigurationPolicy | |
Get-AuditConfigurationRule | |
Remove-AuditConfigurationRule | |
Get-AuditLogSearch | |
Get-AuthServer | |
Add-AvailabilityAddressSpace | |
Remove-AvailabilityAddressSpace | |
Get-AvailabilityAddressSpace | |
Set-AvailabilityConfig | |
Remove-AvailabilityConfig | |
Get-AvailabilityConfig | |
New-AvailabilityConfig | |
Get-CalendarDiagnosticLog | |
Set-CalendarNotification | |
Get-CalendarNotification | |
Set-CalendarProcessing | |
Get-CalendarProcessing | |
Set-CASMailbox | |
Get-CASMailbox | |
Get-CASMailboxPlan | |
Get-ClassificationRuleCollection | |
Set-ClassificationRuleCollection | |
New-ClassificationRuleCollection | |
Remove-ClassificationRuleCollection | |
New-CompliancePolicySyncNotification | |
Get-CompliancePolicySyncNotification | |
Remove-CompliancePolicySyncNotification | |
Get-ConnectionByClientTypeDetailReport | |
Get-ConnectionByClientTypeReport | |
Remove-ConnectSubscription | |
Get-ConnectSubscription | |
New-ConnectSubscription | |
Set-ConnectSubscription | |
Set-Contact | |
Get-Contact | |
Import-ContactList | |
Get-CsActiveUserReport | |
Get-CsAVConferenceTimeReport | |
Get-CsClientDeviceDetailReport | |
Get-CsClientDeviceReport | |
Get-CsConferenceReport | |
Get-CsP2PAVTimeReport | |
Get-CsP2PSessionReport | |
Get-DataClassification | |
New-DataClassification | |
Set-DataClassification | |
Remove-DataClassification | |
Get-DataClassificationConfig | |
Get-DeviceComplianceDetailsReport | |
Get-DeviceComplianceDetailsReportFilter | |
Get-DeviceCompliancePolicyInventory | |
Get-DeviceComplianceReportDate | |
Get-DeviceComplianceSummaryReport | |
Get-DeviceComplianceUserInventory | |
Get-DeviceComplianceUserReport | |
Get-DeviceConditionalAccessPolicy | |
Get-DeviceConditionalAccessRule | |
Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicy | |
Get-DeviceConfigurationRule | |
Get-DevicePolicy | |
Get-DeviceTenantPolicy | |
Get-DeviceTenantRule | |
Get-DistributionGroup | |
New-DistributionGroup | |
Set-DistributionGroup | |
Remove-DistributionGroup | |
Get-DistributionGroupMember | |
Add-DistributionGroupMember | |
Update-DistributionGroupMember | |
Remove-DistributionGroupMember | |
Get-DlpCompliancePolicy | |
Get-DlpComplianceRule | |
Get-DlpDetailReport | |
Get-DlpDetectionsReport | |
New-DlpPolicy | |
Set-DlpPolicy | |
Remove-DlpPolicy | |
Get-DlpPolicy | |
Export-DlpPolicyCollection | |
Import-DlpPolicyCollection | |
Get-DlpPolicyTemplate | |
Remove-DynamicDistributionGroup | |
Get-DynamicDistributionGroup | |
New-DynamicDistributionGroup | |
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup | |
Get-FailedContentIndexDocuments | |
Set-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier | |
Get-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier | |
Get-FederationInformation | |
Get-FederationTrust | |
Get-FfoMigrationReport | |
New-Fingerprint | |
Get-Group | |
Set-Group | |
Get-GroupActivityReport | |
Set-GroupMailbox | |
Get-GroupMailbox | |
Get-HistoricalSearch | |
Start-HistoricalSearch | |
Stop-HistoricalSearch | |
Get-HoldCompliancePolicy | |
Get-HoldComplianceRule | |
Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy | |
New-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy | |
Set-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy | |
Remove-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy | |
Remove-HostedContentFilterPolicy | |
Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy | |
New-HostedContentFilterPolicy | |
Set-HostedContentFilterPolicy | |
Set-HostedContentFilterRule | |
Remove-HostedContentFilterRule | |
Disable-HostedContentFilterRule | |
New-HostedContentFilterRule | |
Get-HostedContentFilterRule | |
Enable-HostedContentFilterRule | |
Set-HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy | |
Get-HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy | |
New-HotmailSubscription | |
Set-HotmailSubscription | |
Get-HotmailSubscription | |
Update-HybridConfiguration | |
Remove-HybridConfiguration | |
Get-HybridMailflow | |
Set-HybridMailflow | |
Get-HybridMailflowDatacenterIPs | |
Set-ImapSubscription | |
Get-ImapSubscription | |
New-ImapSubscription | |
Remove-InboundConnector | |
New-InboundConnector | |
Set-InboundConnector | |
Get-InboundConnector | |
New-InboxRule | |
Remove-InboxRule | |
Set-InboxRule | |
Enable-InboxRule | |
Get-InboxRule | |
Disable-InboxRule | |
Get-IntraOrganizationConfiguration | |
New-IntraOrganizationConnector | |
Set-IntraOrganizationConnector | |
Remove-IntraOrganizationConnector | |
Get-IntraOrganizationConnector | |
Test-IRMConfiguration | |
Get-IRMConfiguration | |
Set-IRMConfiguration | |
Disable-JournalArchiving | |
Get-JournalRule | |
Remove-JournalRule | |
Disable-JournalRule | |
New-JournalRule | |
Set-JournalRule | |
Enable-JournalRule | |
Get-LicenseVsUsageSummaryReport | |
Set-LinkedUser | |
Get-LinkedUser | |
Get-LogonStatistics | |
New-Mailbox | |
Get-Mailbox | |
Enable-Mailbox | |
Set-Mailbox | |
Remove-Mailbox | |
Search-Mailbox | |
Disable-Mailbox | |
Get-MailboxActivityReport | |
Set-MailboxAuditBypassAssociation | |
Get-MailboxAuditBypassAssociation | |
Search-MailboxAuditLog | |
New-MailboxAuditLogSearch | |
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration | |
Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxCalendarFolder | |
Set-MailboxCalendarFolder | |
Export-MailboxDiagnosticLogs | |
Get-MailboxFolder | |
New-MailboxFolder | |
Set-MailboxFolderPermission | |
Get-MailboxFolderPermission | |
Add-MailboxFolderPermission | |
Remove-MailboxFolderPermission | |
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics | |
Resume-MailboxImportRequest | |
Set-MailboxImportRequest | |
Remove-MailboxImportRequest | |
Suspend-MailboxImportRequest | |
New-MailboxImportRequest | |
Get-MailboxImportRequest | |
Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics | |
Set-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration | |
Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxMessageConfiguration | |
Remove-MailboxPermission | |
Get-MailboxPermission | |
Add-MailboxPermission | |
Set-MailboxPlan | |
Get-MailboxPlan | |
Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration | |
Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration | |
New-MailboxRestoreRequest | |
Get-MailboxRestoreRequest | |
Resume-MailboxRestoreRequest | |
Set-MailboxRestoreRequest | |
Suspend-MailboxRestoreRequest | |
Remove-MailboxRestoreRequest | |
Get-MailboxRestoreRequestStatistics | |
Remove-MailboxSearch | |
New-MailboxSearch | |
Stop-MailboxSearch | |
Start-MailboxSearch | |
Set-MailboxSearch | |
Get-MailboxSearch | |
Set-MailboxSpellingConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxSpellingConfiguration | |
Get-MailboxStatistics | |
Get-MailboxUsageDetailReport | |
Get-MailboxUsageReport | |
Remove-MailContact | |
New-MailContact | |
Set-MailContact | |
Get-MailContact | |
Get-MailDetailDlpPolicyReport | |
Get-MailDetailMalwareReport | |
Get-MailDetailSpamReport | |
Get-MailDetailTransportRuleReport | |
Get-MailFilterListReport | |
New-MailMessage | |
Get-MailPublicFolder | |
Enable-MailPublicFolder | |
Disable-MailPublicFolder | |
Set-MailPublicFolder | |
Get-MailTrafficPolicyReport | |
Get-MailTrafficReport | |
Get-MailTrafficSummaryReport | |
Get-MailTrafficTopReport | |
Get-MailUser | |
New-MailUser | |
Set-MailUser | |
Remove-MailUser | |
Remove-MalwareFilterPolicy | |
Get-MalwareFilterPolicy | |
New-MalwareFilterPolicy | |
Set-MalwareFilterPolicy | |
Disable-MalwareFilterRule | |
Remove-MalwareFilterRule | |
Get-MalwareFilterRule | |
Set-MalwareFilterRule | |
Enable-MalwareFilterRule | |
New-MalwareFilterRule | |
Start-ManagedFolderAssistant | |
New-ManagementRole | |
Get-ManagementRole | |
Remove-ManagementRole | |
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment | |
Set-ManagementRoleAssignment | |
New-ManagementRoleAssignment | |
Remove-ManagementRoleAssignment | |
Set-ManagementRoleEntry | |
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry | |
Get-ManagementRoleEntry | |
Add-ManagementRoleEntry | |
Get-ManagementScope | |
New-ManagementScope | |
Set-ManagementScope | |
Remove-ManagementScope | |
Test-MAPIConnectivity | |
Test-Message | |
Get-MessageCategory | |
Set-MessageClassification | |
Remove-MessageClassification | |
New-MessageClassification | |
Get-MessageClassification | |
Get-MessageTrace | |
Get-MessageTraceDetail | |
Search-MessageTrackingReport | |
Get-MessageTrackingReport | |
Start-MigrationBatch | |
Complete-MigrationBatch | |
Set-MigrationBatch | |
Remove-MigrationBatch | |
Stop-MigrationBatch | |
New-MigrationBatch | |
Get-MigrationBatch | |
Get-MigrationConfig | |
New-MigrationEndpoint | |
Set-MigrationEndpoint | |
Remove-MigrationEndpoint | |
Get-MigrationEndpoint | |
Export-MigrationReport | |
Test-MigrationServerAvailability | |
Get-MigrationStatistics | |
Remove-MigrationUser | |
Get-MigrationUser | |
Get-MigrationUserStatistics | |
Remove-MobileDevice | |
Get-MobileDevice | |
Clear-MobileDevice | |
Get-MobileDeviceDashboardSummaryReport | |
Remove-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy | |
Set-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy | |
Get-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy | |
New-MobileDeviceMailboxPolicy | |
Get-MobileDeviceStatistics | |
Set-MoveRequest | |
Resume-MoveRequest | |
Get-MoveRequest | |
Suspend-MoveRequest | |
New-MoveRequest | |
Remove-MoveRequest | |
Get-MoveRequestStatistics | |
Get-MxRecordReport | |
Get-Notification | |
Set-Notification | |
Get-O365ClientBrowserDetailReport | |
Get-O365ClientBrowserReport | |
Get-O365ClientOSDetailReport | |
Get-O365ClientOSReport | |
Test-OAuthConnectivity | |
Set-OMEConfiguration | |
Get-OMEConfiguration | |
Set-OnPremisesOrganization | |
Get-OnPremisesOrganization | |
New-OnPremisesOrganization | |
Remove-OnPremisesOrganization | |
Get-OrganizationalUnit | |
Get-OrganizationConfig | |
Set-OrganizationConfig | |
Enable-OrganizationCustomization | |
Set-OrganizationRelationship | |
Remove-OrganizationRelationship | |
New-OrganizationRelationship | |
Get-OrganizationRelationship | |
Test-OrganizationRelationship | |
Set-OutboundConnector | |
Remove-OutboundConnector | |
Get-OutboundConnector | |
New-OutboundConnector | |
Get-OutboundConnectorReport | |
Disable-OutlookProtectionRule | |
Get-OutlookProtectionRule | |
New-OutlookProtectionRule | |
Set-OutlookProtectionRule | |
Enable-OutlookProtectionRule | |
Remove-OutlookProtectionRule | |
Remove-OwaMailboxPolicy | |
Set-OwaMailboxPolicy | |
New-OwaMailboxPolicy | |
Get-OwaMailboxPolicy | |
Set-PartnerApplication | |
Get-PartnerApplication | |
Remove-PartnerApplication | |
New-PartnerApplication | |
Get-PartnerCustomerUserReport | |
Get-PerimeterConfig | |
Set-PerimeterConfig | |
Remove-PolicyTipConfig | |
New-PolicyTipConfig | |
Set-PolicyTipConfig | |
Get-PolicyTipConfig | |
Get-PopSubscription | |
New-PopSubscription | |
Set-PopSubscription | |
New-PublicFolder | |
Set-PublicFolder | |
Remove-PublicFolder | |
Get-PublicFolder | |
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission | |
Get-PublicFolderClientPermission | |
Remove-PublicFolderClientPermission | |
Get-PublicFolderItemStatistics | |
Update-PublicFolderMailbox | |
Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics | |
Remove-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | |
Set-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | |
Resume-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | |
Get-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | |
Suspend-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | |
New-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | |
Get-PublicFolderMigrationRequestStatistics | |
Get-PublicFolderStatistics | |
Get-QuarantineMessage | |
Release-QuarantineMessage | |
Get-QuarantineMessageHeader | |
Get-Recipient | |
Get-RecipientPermission | |
Add-RecipientPermission | |
Remove-RecipientPermission | |
Get-RecipientStatisticsReport | |
Set-RemoteDomain | |
New-RemoteDomain | |
Get-RemoteDomain | |
Remove-RemoteDomain | |
Get-RemovedMailbox | |
New-RetentionPolicy | |
Remove-RetentionPolicy | |
Set-RetentionPolicy | |
Get-RetentionPolicy | |
New-RetentionPolicyTag | |
Get-RetentionPolicyTag | |
Set-RetentionPolicyTag | |
Remove-RetentionPolicyTag | |
Get-RMSTemplate | |
Set-RMSTemplate | |
Remove-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain | |
Set-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain | |
Get-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain | |
Import-RMSTrustedPublishingDomain | |
Get-RoleAssignmentPolicy | |
Set-RoleAssignmentPolicy | |
New-RoleAssignmentPolicy | |
Remove-RoleAssignmentPolicy | |
New-RoleGroup | |
Set-RoleGroup | |
Remove-RoleGroup | |
Get-RoleGroup | |
Add-RoleGroupMember | |
Get-RoleGroupMember | |
Update-RoleGroupMember | |
Remove-RoleGroupMember | |
Get-ScorecardClientDeviceReport | |
Get-ScorecardClientOSReport | |
Get-ScorecardClientOutlookReport | |
Get-ScorecardMetricsReport | |
Get-SearchDocumentFormat | |
Get-SecurityPrincipal | |
Get-SendAddress | |
Get-ServiceDeliveryReport | |
Get-ServiceStatus | |
Get-SharingPolicy | |
Set-SharingPolicy | |
New-SharingPolicy | |
Remove-SharingPolicy | |
Set-SiteMailbox | |
Get-SiteMailbox | |
Update-SiteMailbox | |
Test-SiteMailbox | |
New-SiteMailbox | |
Get-SiteMailboxDiagnostics | |
New-SiteMailboxProvisioningPolicy | |
Set-SiteMailboxProvisioningPolicy | |
Get-SiteMailboxProvisioningPolicy | |
Get-SmimeConfig | |
Set-SmimeConfig | |
Undo-SoftDeletedMailbox | |
Get-SPOActiveUserReport | |
Get-SPOSkyDriveProDeployedReport | |
Get-SPOSkyDriveProStorageReport | |
Get-SPOTeamSiteDeployedReport | |
Get-SPOTeamSiteStorageReport | |
Get-SPOTenantStorageMetricReport | |
Get-StaleMailboxDetailReport | |
Get-StaleMailboxReport | |
Get-Subscription | |
Remove-Subscription | |
New-Subscription | |
Get-SyncConfig | |
New-SyncMailPublicFolder | |
Get-SyncRequest | |
Remove-SyncRequest | |
Resume-SyncRequest | |
New-SyncRequest | |
Suspend-SyncRequest | |
Set-SyncRequest | |
Get-SyncRequestStatistics | |
Set-TextMessagingAccount | |
Get-TextMessagingAccount | |
Clear-TextMessagingAccount | |
Compare-TextMessagingVerificationCode | |
Send-TextMessagingVerificationCode | |
Get-ToolInformation | |
Set-TransportConfig | |
Get-TransportConfig | |
New-TransportRule | |
Remove-TransportRule | |
Set-TransportRule | |
Enable-TransportRule | |
Disable-TransportRule | |
Get-TransportRule | |
Get-TransportRuleAction | |
Import-TransportRuleCollection | |
Export-TransportRuleCollection | |
Get-TransportRulePredicate | |
New-UMAutoAttendant | |
Disable-UMAutoAttendant | |
Enable-UMAutoAttendant | |
Set-UMAutoAttendant | |
Get-UMAutoAttendant | |
Remove-UMAutoAttendant | |
Set-UMCallAnsweringRule | |
Enable-UMCallAnsweringRule | |
Disable-UMCallAnsweringRule | |
Remove-UMCallAnsweringRule | |
New-UMCallAnsweringRule | |
Get-UMCallAnsweringRule | |
Export-UMCallDataRecord | |
Get-UMCallDataRecord | |
Get-UMCallSummaryReport | |
New-UMDialPlan | |
Get-UMDialPlan | |
Remove-UMDialPlan | |
Set-UMDialPlan | |
Get-UMHuntGroup | |
New-UMHuntGroup | |
Remove-UMHuntGroup | |
Disable-UMIPGateway | |
Set-UMIPGateway | |
New-UMIPGateway | |
Remove-UMIPGateway | |
Enable-UMIPGateway | |
Get-UMIPGateway | |
Get-UMMailbox | |
Enable-UMMailbox | |
Disable-UMMailbox | |
Set-UMMailbox | |
Get-UMMailboxConfiguration | |
Set-UMMailboxConfiguration | |
Set-UMMailboxPIN | |
Get-UMMailboxPIN | |
Get-UMMailboxPlan | |
New-UMMailboxPolicy | |
Remove-UMMailboxPolicy | |
Set-UMMailboxPolicy | |
Get-UMMailboxPolicy | |
Start-UMPhoneSession | |
Stop-UMPhoneSession | |
Get-UMPhoneSession | |
Import-UMPrompt | |
Export-UMPrompt | |
Get-UnifiedGroup | |
Get-User | |
Set-User | |
Remove-UserPhoto | |
Get-UserPhoto | |
Set-UserPhoto |
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