Azure PowerShell Cmdlet Reference

Azure PowerShell consists of 76 modules. See the complete list in Azure PowerShell Modules Reference.

This doc lists cmdlets from Az.Compute and Az.Resource modules.

For Azure Networking cmdlets, see Azure Powershell: Networking Cmdlets Reference.
For Azure Security cmdlets, see Azure Security Cmdlets Reference.
Last updated 12/7/2022

Cmdlet Synopsis Module
Get-AzAvailabilitySet Gets Azure availability sets in a resource group. Az.Compute
New-AzAvailabilitySet Creates an Azure availability set. Az.Compute
Remove-AzAvailabilitySet Removes an availability set from Azure. Az.Compute
Update-AzAvailabilitySet Updates an availability set. Az.Compute
Get-AzCapacityReservation Gets the properties of Capacity Reservation resources from a Capacity Reservation Group Az.Compute
New-AzCapacityReservation Creates a Capacity Reservation resource in a Capacity Reservation Group Az.Compute
Remove-AzCapacityReservation Removes a Capacity Reservation resource Az.Compute
Update-AzCapacityReservation Update the Capacity Reservation. Az.Compute
Get-AzCapacityReservationGroup Gets the properties of Capacity Reservation Groups Az.Compute
New-AzCapacityReservationGroup Creates a Capacity Reservation Group Az.Compute
Remove-AzCapacityReservationGroup Removes a Capacity Reservation Group Az.Compute
Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup Update the Capacity Reservation Group. Az.Compute
Get-AzComputeResourceSku List all compute resource Skus Az.Compute
Get-AzDisk Gets the properties of a Managed disk. Az.Compute
New-AzDisk Creates a managed disk. Az.Compute
Remove-AzDisk Removes a disk. Az.Compute
Update-AzDisk Updates a disk. Az.Compute
Get-AzDiskAccess Gets the properties of Disk Accesses Az.Compute
Grant-AzDiskAccess Grants an access to a disk. Az.Compute
New-AzDiskAccess Creates a Disk Access resource Az.Compute
Remove-AzDiskAccess Removes a disk access resource. Az.Compute
Revoke-AzDiskAccess Revokes an access to a disk. Az.Compute
New-AzDiskConfig Creates a configurable disk object. Az.Compute
Set-AzDiskDiskEncryptionKey Sets the disk encryption key properties on a disk object. Az.Compute
Get-AzDiskEncryptionSet Get or list disk encryption sets. Az.Compute
New-AzDiskEncryptionSet Creates a disk encryption set. Az.Compute
Remove-AzDiskEncryptionSet Removes a disk encryption set. Az.Compute
Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet Updates a disk encryption set. Az.Compute
Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource Gets the list of resources associated with the specified disk encryption set. Az.Compute
New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig Creates a configurable disk encryption set object. Az.Compute
Set-AzDiskImageReference Sets the image reference properties on a disk object. Az.Compute
Set-AzDiskKeyEncryptionKey Sets the key encryption key properties on a disk object. Az.Compute
New-AzDiskPurchasePlanConfig Creates a PurchasePlan Object Az.Compute
Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile Set SecurityProfile on managed disk Az.Compute
New-AzDiskUpdateConfig Creates a configurable disk update object. Az.Compute
Set-AzDiskUpdateDiskEncryptionKey Sets the disk encryption key properties on a disk update object. Az.Compute
Set-AzDiskUpdateKeyEncryptionKey Sets the key encryption key properties on a disk update object. Az.Compute
Get-AzGallery Get or list galleries. Az.Compute
New-AzGallery Create a gallery. Az.Compute
Remove-AzGallery Delete a gallery. Az.Compute
Update-AzGallery Update a gallery. Az.Compute
Get-AzGalleryApplication Retrieves information about a gallery Application Definition. Az.Compute
New-AzGalleryApplication Create or update a gallery Application Definition. Az.Compute
Remove-AzGalleryApplication Delete a gallery Application. Az.Compute
Update-AzGalleryApplication Update a gallery Application Definition. Az.Compute
Get-AzGalleryApplicationVersion Retrieves information about a gallery Application Version. Az.Compute
New-AzGalleryApplicationVersion Create or update a gallery Application Version. Az.Compute
Remove-AzGalleryApplicationVersion Delete a gallery Application Version. Az.Compute
Update-AzGalleryApplicationVersion Update a gallery Application Version. Az.Compute
Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition Get or list gallery image definitions. Az.Compute
New-AzGalleryImageDefinition Create a gallery image definition. Az.Compute
Remove-AzGalleryImageDefinition Delete a gallery image definition. Az.Compute
Update-AzGalleryImageDefinition Update a gallery image definition. Az.Compute
Get-AzGalleryImageVersion Get or list gallery image versions. Az.Compute
New-AzGalleryImageVersion Create a gallery image version. Az.Compute
Remove-AzGalleryImageVersion Delete a gallery image version. Az.Compute
Update-AzGalleryImageVersion Update a gallery image version. Az.Compute
Get-AzHost Get or list hosts. Az.Compute
New-AzHost Creates a host. Az.Compute
Remove-AzHost Removes a host. Az.Compute
Restart-AzHost Restart the dedicated host. Az.Compute
Get-AzHostGroup Get or list hosts. Az.Compute
New-AzHostGroup Creates a host group. Az.Compute
Remove-AzHostGroup Removes a host group. Az.Compute
Get-AzImage Gets the properties of an image. Az.Compute
New-AzImage Creates an image. Az.Compute
Remove-AzImage Removes an image. Az.Compute
Update-AzImage Updates an image. Az.Compute
New-AzImageConfig Creates a configurable image object. Az.Compute
Add-AzImageDataDisk Adds a data disk to an image object. Az.Compute
Remove-AzImageDataDisk Removes a data disk from an image object. Az.Compute
Set-AzImageOsDisk Sets the operating system disk properties on an image object. Az.Compute
Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval Export logs that show Api requests made by this subscription in the given time window to show throttling activities. Az.Compute
Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest Export logs that show total throttled Api requests for this subscription in the given time window. Az.Compute
Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup Get or list Proximity Placement Group resource(s). Az.Compute
New-AzProximityPlacementGroup Create Proximity Placement Group resource. Az.Compute
Remove-AzProximityPlacementGroup Delete Proximity Placement Group resource. Az.Compute
Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile Gets an .rdp file. Az.Compute
Get-AzRestorePoint Command to get the Restore Point Az.Compute
New-AzRestorePoint This cmdlet can create a New Restore Point Az.Compute
Remove-AzRestorePoint This cmdlet can remove a Restore Point Az.Compute
Get-AzRestorePointCollection Get a Restore Point Collection Az.Compute
New-AzRestorePointCollection Creates a New Restore Point Collection Az.Compute
Remove-AzRestorePointCollection This Cmdlet can remove Restore Point Collection Az.Compute
Update-AzRestorePointCollection Update Restore Point Collection. Az.Compute
Get-AzSnapshot Gets the properties of a snapshot Az.Compute
New-AzSnapshot Creates a snapshot. Az.Compute
Remove-AzSnapshot Removes a snapshot. Az.Compute
Update-AzSnapshot Updates a snapshot. Az.Compute
Grant-AzSnapshotAccess Grants an access to a snapshot. Az.Compute
Revoke-AzSnapshotAccess Revokes an access to a snapshot. Az.Compute
New-AzSnapshotConfig Creates a configurable snapshot object. Az.Compute
Set-AzSnapshotDiskEncryptionKey Sets the disk encryption key properties on a snapshot object. Az.Compute
Set-AzSnapshotImageReference Sets the image reference properties on a snapshot object. Az.Compute
Set-AzSnapshotKeyEncryptionKey Sets the key encryption key properties on a snapshot object. Az.Compute
New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig Creates a configurable snapshot update object. Az.Compute
Set-AzSnapshotUpdateDiskEncryptionKey Sets the disk encryption key properties on a snapshot update object. Az.Compute
Set-AzSnapshotUpdateKeyEncryptionKey Sets the key encryption key properties on a snapshot update object. Az.Compute
Get-AzSshKey Gets the properties of SSH Public Key resources. Az.Compute
New-AzSshKey Create a SSH Public Key resource. Az.Compute
Remove-AzSshKey Delete a SSH Public Key resource. Az.Compute
Update-AzSshKey Update a SSH Public Key resource. Az.Compute
Add-AzVhd Uploads a virtual hard disk from an on-premises machine to Azure (managed disk or blob). Az.Compute
Save-AzVhd Saves downloaded .vhd images locally. Az.Compute
Get-AzVM Gets the properties of a virtual machine. Az.Compute
New-AzVM Creates a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVM Removes a virtual machine from Azure. Az.Compute
Restart-AzVM Restarts an Azure virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVM This cmdlet can be used to do the followings: reapply or redeploy a virtual machine, mark a virtual machine as generalized, simulate eviction to a spot virtual machine. Az.Compute
Start-AzVM Starts an Azure virtual machine. Az.Compute
Stop-AzVM Stops an Azure virtual machine. Az.Compute
Update-AzVM Updates the state of an Azure virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMAccessExtension Gets information about the VMAccess extension. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMAccessExtension Removes the VMAccess extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMAccessExtension Adds the VMAccess extension to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent Adds information to the unattended Windows Setup answer file. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMADDomainExtension Gets information about an AD domain extension. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMADDomainExtension Adds an AD domain extension to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMAEMExtension Gets information about the AEM extension. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMAEMExtension Removes the AEM extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMAEMExtension Enables support for monitoring for SAP systems. Az.Compute
Test-AzVMAEMExtension Checks the configuration of the AEM extension. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMBackup Removes the backup from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMBackupExtension Sets the backup extension properties on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMBginfoExtension Adds the BGInfo extension to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic Modifies boot diagnostics properties of a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMBootDiagnosticsData Gets boot diagnostics data for a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMChefExtension Gets information about a Chef extension. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMChefExtension Removes the Chef extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMChefExtension Adds a Chef extension to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
New-AzVMConfig Creates a configurable virtual machine object. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Gets information about a custom script extension. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Removes a custom script extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Adds a custom script extension to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Add-AzVMDataDisk Adds a data disk to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
New-AzVMDataDisk Creates a local data disk object for a virtual machine or a Vmss VM. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMDataDisk Removes a data disk from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMDataDisk Modifies properties of a virtual machine data disk. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Gets the settings of the Diagnostics extension on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Removes the Diagnostics extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Configures the Azure diagnostics extension on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption Disables encryption on an IaaS virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension Removes the disk encryption extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension Enables encryption on a running IaaS virtual machine in Azure. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMDiskEncryptionStatus Gets the encryption status of the virtual machine. Az.Compute
Publish-AzVMDscConfiguration Uploads a DSC script to Azure blob storage. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMDscExtension Gets the settings of the DSC extension on a particular virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMDscExtension Removes a DSC extension handler from a virtual machine in a resource group. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMDscExtension Configures the DSC extension on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMDscExtensionStatus Gets the status of the DSC extension handler for a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMExtension Gets properties of Virtual Machine Extensions installed on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMExtension Removes an extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMExtension Updates extension properties or adds an extension to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMExtensionImage Gets all versions for an Azure extension. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMExtensionImageType Gets the type of an Azure extension. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmGalleryApplication Add a GalleryApplication object to the PSVirtualMachine object. Az.Compute
New-AzVmGalleryApplication Create a local PSVMGalleryApplication object. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmGalleryApplication Remove a VMGalleryApplication object from the PSVirtualMachine object. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMImage Gets all the versions of a VMImage. Az.Compute
Save-AzVMImage Saves a virtual machine as a VMImage. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMImageOffer Gets VMImage offer types. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMImagePublisher Gets the VMImage publishers. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMImageSku Gets VMImage SKUs. Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVMInstallPatch Installs patches on the VM Az.Compute
ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisk Converts a virtual machine with blob-based disks to a virtual machine with managed disks. Az.Compute
Add-AzVMNetworkInterface Adds a network interface to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMNetworkInterface Removes a network interface from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMOperatingSystem Sets operating system properties during the creation of a new virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMOSDisk Sets the operating system disk properties on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVMPatchAssessment Assess patch state of a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMPlan Sets the Marketplace plan information on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVMReimage Reimage an Azure virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMRunCommand Gets a specific Run Command or a list of Run Commands for a Virtual Machine Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand Run a command on the VM. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMRunCommand The operation to delete the run command. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMRunCommand The operation to create or update the run command. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMRunCommandDocument Get a run command document. Az.Compute
Add-AzVMSecret Adds a secret to a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMSecret Removes (a) secret(s) from a virtual machine object Az.Compute
Set-AzVMSecurityProfile Sets the SecurityType enum for Virtual Machines. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMSize Gets available virtual machine sizes. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMSourceImage Specifies the image for a virtual machine. Az.Compute
New-AzVMSqlServerAutoBackupConfig Creates a configuration object for SQL Server automatic backup. Az.Compute
New-AzVMSqlServerAutoPatchingConfig Creates a configuration object for automatic patching on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVMSqlServerExtension Gets the settings for a SQL Server extension on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVMSqlServerExtension Removes a SQL Server extension from a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMSqlServerExtension Sets the Azure SQL Server extension on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
New-AzVMSqlServerKeyVaultCredentialConfig Creates a configuration object for SQL server key vault credential on a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmss Gets the properties of a VMSS. Az.Compute
New-AzVmss Creates a VMSS. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmss Removes the VMSS or a virtual machine that is within the VMSS. Az.Compute
Restart-AzVmss Restarts the VMSS or a virtual machine within the VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmss Sets specific actions on a specified VMSS. Az.Compute
Start-AzVmss Starts the VMSS or a set of virtual machines within the VMSS. Az.Compute
Stop-AzVmss Stops the VMSS or a set of virtual machines within the VMSS. Az.Compute
Update-AzVmss Updates the state of a VMSS. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssAdditionalUnattendContent Adds information to the unattended Windows Setup answer file. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssBootDiagnostic Sets the virtual machine scale set boot diagnostics profile. Az.Compute
New-AzVmssConfig Creates a VMSS configuration object. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssDataDisk Adds a data disk to the VMSS. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssDataDisk Removes a data disk from the VMSS. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssDiagnosticsExtension Adds a diagnostics extension to the VMSS. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssDiagnosticsExtension Removes a diagnostics extension from the VMSS. Az.Compute
Disable-AzVmssDiskEncryption Disables disk encryption on a VM scale set. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssDiskEncryption Shows the disk encryption status of a VM scale set. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension Enables disk encryption on a VM scale set. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssExtension Adds an extension to the VMSS. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssExtension Removes an extension from the VMSS. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication Add a GalleryApplication object to the PSVirtualMachineProfile object. Az.Compute
New-AzVmssGalleryApplication Create a local PSVMGalleryApplication object. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssGalleryApplication Remove a VMGalleryApplication object from the PSVirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile object. Az.Compute
Add-AzVMSshPublicKey Adds the public keys for SSH for a virtual machine, when only creating the VM. Az.Compute
Update-AzVmssInstance Starts a manual upgrade of the VMSS instance. Az.Compute
New-AzVmssIpConfig Creates an IP configuration for a network interface of a VMSS. Az.Compute
New-AzVmssIpTagConfig Creates an IP Tag object for a network interface of a VMSS. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration Adds a network interface configuration to the VMSS. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration Removes a network interface configuration from a VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssOrchestrationServiceState Sets the orchestration service state for the VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssOsProfile Sets the VMSS operating system profile properties. Az.Compute
Start-AzVmssRollingExtensionUpgrade This cmdlet starts a rolling upgrade for all extensions on the given Virtual Machine Scale Set to the latest available version. Az.Compute
Start-AzVmssRollingOSUpgrade Starts a rolling upgrade to move all virtual machine scale set instances to the latest available Platform Image OS version. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssRollingUpgrade Shows the status of the latest virtual machine scale set rolling upgrade. Az.Compute
Stop-AzVmssRollingUpgrade Cancels the current virtual machine scale set rolling upgrade. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicy Sets the VMSS rolling upgrade policy properties. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssRunCommand Adding Run Command to VMSS instances Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssRunCommand Remove VMSS RunCommand Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssSecret Adds a secret to a VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssSecurityProfile This cmdlet allows users to set the SecurityType enum for Virtual Machines scale sets. Az.Compute
Repair-AzVmssServiceFabricUpdateDomain Manual platform update domain walk to update virtual machines in a service fabric virtual machine scale set. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssSku Gets the available SKUs for the VMSS. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssSshPublicKey Adds SSH public keys to the VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssStorageProfile Sets the storage profile properties for the VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssUefi Modifies UEFI properties of gen 2 virtual machines that are part of virtual machine scale sets Az.Compute
New-AzVmssVaultCertificateConfig Creates a Key Vault certificate configuration. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssVM Gets the properties of a VMSS virtual machine. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssVM Modifies the state of a VMSS instance. Az.Compute
Update-AzVmssVM Updates the state of a Vmss VM. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssVMDataDisk Adds a data disk to a Vmss VM. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssVMDataDisk Removes a data disk from a virtual machine scale set VM Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssVMDiskEncryption Shows the disk encryption status of VMs in a VM scale set. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssVMRunCommand The operation to get the VMSS VM run command. Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVmssVMRunCommand Run command on the Virtual Machine Scale Set VM. Az.Compute
Remove-AzVmssVMRunCommand The operation to delete the VMSS VM run command. Az.Compute
Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand The operation to create or update the VMSS VM run command. Az.Compute
Add-AzVmssWinRMListener Adds a WinRM listener to the VMSS. Az.Compute
Set-AzVMUefi Modifies UEFI properties of a gen 2 virtual machine Az.Compute
Get-AzVMUsage Gets the virtual machine core count usage for a location. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssVMDiskEncryption Shows the disk encryption status of VMs in a VM scale set. Az.Compute
Get-AzVmssDiskEncryption Shows the disk encryption status of a VM scale set. Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVMPatchAssessment Assess patch state of a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Repair-AzVmssServiceFabricUpdateDomain Manual platform update domain walk to update virtual machines in a service fabric virtual machine scale set. Az.Compute
Invoke-AzVMPatchAssessment Assess patch state of a virtual machine. Az.Compute
Get-AzADAppCredential Lists key credentials and password credentials for an application. Az.Resources
New-AzADAppCredential Creates key credentials or password credentials for an application. Az.Resources
Remove-AzADAppCredential Removes key credentials or password credentials for an application. Az.Resources
Get-AzADAppFederatedCredential Get federatedIdentityCredentials by Id from applications. Az.Resources
New-AzADAppFederatedCredential Create federatedIdentityCredential for applications. Az.Resources
Remove-AzADAppFederatedCredential Delete navigation property federatedIdentityCredentials for applications Az.Resources
Update-AzADAppFederatedCredential Update the navigation property federatedIdentityCredentials in applications Az.Resources
Get-AzADApplication Lists entities from applications or get entity from applications by key Az.Resources
New-AzADApplication Adds new entity to applications Az.Resources
Remove-AzADApplication Deletes entity from applications Az.Resources
Update-AzADApplication Updates entity in applications Az.Resources
Add-AzADAppPermission Adds an API permission. Az.Resources
Get-AzADAppPermission Lists API permissions the application has requested. Az.Resources
Remove-AzADAppPermission Removes an API permission. Az.Resources
Get-AzADGroup Lists entities from groups or get entity from groups by key Az.Resources
New-AzADGroup Adds new entity to groups Az.Resources
Remove-AzADGroup Deletes entity from groups. Az.Resources
Update-AzADGroup Update entity in groups Az.Resources
Add-AzADGroupMember Adds member to group. Az.Resources
Get-AzADGroupMember Lists members from group. Az.Resources
Remove-AzADGroupMember Deletes member from group
Users, contacts, and groups that are members of this group.
HTTP Methods: GET (supported for all groups), POST (supported for security groups and mail-enabled security groups), DELETE (supported only for security groups) Read-only.
Supports $expand.
Get-AzADOrganization Retrieve a list of organization objects. Az.Resources
Get-AzADServicePrincipal Lists entities from service principals or get entity from service principals by key Az.Resources
New-AzADServicePrincipal Adds new entity to servicePrincipals Az.Resources
Remove-AzADServicePrincipal Deletes entity from service principal. Az.Resources
Update-AzADServicePrincipal Updates entity in service principal Az.Resources
Get-AzADSpCredential Lists key credentials and password credentials for an service principal. Az.Resources
New-AzADSpCredential Creates key credentials or password credentials for an service principal. Az.Resources
Remove-AzADSpCredential Removes key credentials or password credentials for an service principal. Az.Resources
Get-AzADUser Lists entities from users or get entity from users by key Az.Resources
New-AzADUser Adds new entity to users Az.Resources
Remove-AzADUser Deletes entity from users. Az.Resources
Update-AzADUser Updates entity in users Az.Resources
Publish-AzBicepModule Publishes a Bicep file to a registry. Az.Resources
Get-AzDenyAssignment Lists Azure RBAC deny assignments at the specified scope. By default it lists all deny assignments in the selected Azure subscription. Use respective parameters to list deny assignments to a specific user, or to list deny assignments on a specific resource group or resource. Az.Resources
Get-AzDeployment Get deployment Az.Resources
New-AzDeployment Create a deployment at the current subscription scope. Az.Resources
Remove-AzDeployment Removes a deployment and any associated operations Az.Resources
Stop-AzDeployment Cancel a running deployment Az.Resources
Test-AzDeployment Validates a deployment. Az.Resources
Get-AzDeploymentOperation Get deployment operation Az.Resources
Get-AzDeploymentScript Gets or lists deployment scripts. Az.Resources
Remove-AzDeploymentScript Removes a deployment script and its associated resources. Az.Resources
Get-AzDeploymentScriptLog Gets the log of a deployment script execution. Az.Resources
Save-AzDeploymentScriptLog Saves the log of a deployment script execution to disk. Az.Resources
Save-AzDeploymentTemplate Saves a deployment template to a file. Az.Resources
Get-AzDeploymentWhatIfResult Gets a template What-If result for a deployment at subscription scope. Az.Resources
Get-AzLocation Gets all locations and the supported resource providers for each location. Az.Resources
Get-AzManagedApplication Gets managed applications Az.Resources
New-AzManagedApplication Creates an Azure managed application. Az.Resources
Remove-AzManagedApplication Removes a managed application Az.Resources
Set-AzManagedApplication Updates managed application Az.Resources
Get-AzManagedApplicationDefinition Gets managed application definitions Az.Resources
New-AzManagedApplicationDefinition Creates a managed application definition. Az.Resources
Remove-AzManagedApplicationDefinition Removes a managed application definition Az.Resources
Set-AzManagedApplicationDefinition Updates managed application definition Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroup Gets Management Group(s) Az.Resources
New-AzManagementGroup Creates a Management Group Az.Resources
Remove-AzManagementGroup Removes a Management Group Az.Resources
Update-AzManagementGroup Updates a Management Group Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupDeployment Get deployment at a management group Az.Resources
New-AzManagementGroupDeployment Create a deployment at a management group Az.Resources
Remove-AzManagementGroupDeployment Removes a deployment at a management group and any associated operations Az.Resources
Stop-AzManagementGroupDeployment Cancel a running deployment at a management group Az.Resources
Test-AzManagementGroupDeployment Validates a deployment at a management group. Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupDeploymentOperation Get deployment operation for management group deployment Az.Resources
Save-AzManagementGroupDeploymentTemplate Saves a deployment template to a file. Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupDeploymentWhatIfResult Gets a template What-If result for a deployment at management group scope. Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupEntity Lists all Entities under the current Tenant Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupHierarchySetting Gets the Hierarchy Settings under the current tenant Az.Resources
New-AzManagementGroupHierarchySetting Creates Hierarchy Settings under the current tenant Az.Resources
Remove-AzManagementGroupHierarchySetting Deletes all Hierarchy Settings under the current tenant Az.Resources
Update-AzManagementGroupHierarchySetting Updates Hierarchy Settings under the current tenant Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupNameAvailability Checks if the Management Group name is available in the Tenant and a valid name. Az.Resources
Get-AzManagementGroupSubscription Gets the details of Subscription(s) under a Management Group. Az.Resources
New-AzManagementGroupSubscription Adds a Subscription to a Management Group. Az.Resources
Remove-AzManagementGroupSubscription Removes a Subscription from a Management Group. Az.Resources
Get-AzPolicyAlias Get-AzPolicyAlias retrieves and outputs Azure provider resource types that have aliases defined and match the given parameter values. If no parameters are provided, all provider resource types that contain an alias will be output. The -ListAvailable switch modifies this behavior by listing all matching resource types including those without aliases. Az.Resources
Get-AzPolicyAssignment Gets policy assignments. Az.Resources
New-AzPolicyAssignment Creates a policy assignment. Az.Resources
Remove-AzPolicyAssignment Removes a policy assignment. Az.Resources
Set-AzPolicyAssignment Modifies a policy assignment. Az.Resources
Get-AzPolicyDefinition Gets policy definitions. Az.Resources
New-AzPolicyDefinition Creates a policy definition. Az.Resources
Remove-AzPolicyDefinition Removes a policy definition. Az.Resources
Set-AzPolicyDefinition Modifies a policy definition. Az.Resources
Get-AzPolicyExemption Gets policy exemptions. Az.Resources
New-AzPolicyExemption Creates a policy exemption. Az.Resources
Remove-AzPolicyExemption Removes a policy exemption. Az.Resources
Set-AzPolicyExemption Modifies a policy exemption. Az.Resources
Get-AzPolicySetDefinition Gets policy set definitions. Az.Resources
New-AzPolicySetDefinition Creates a policy set definition. Az.Resources
Remove-AzPolicySetDefinition Removes a policy set definition. Az.Resources
Set-AzPolicySetDefinition Modifies a policy set definition Az.Resources
Get-AzPrivateLinkAssociation Gets all the Azure Resource Management Private Link Association(s). Az.Resources
New-AzPrivateLinkAssociation Creates the Azure Resource Management Private Link Association. Az.Resources
Remove-AzPrivateLinkAssociation Delete a specific azure private link association. Az.Resources
Get-AzProviderFeature Gets information about Azure provider features. Az.Resources
Register-AzProviderFeature Registers an Azure provider feature in your current subscription context. Az.Resources
Unregister-AzProviderFeature Unregisters an Azure provider feature in your account. Az.Resources
Get-AzProviderOperation Gets the operations for an Azure resource provider that are securable using Azure RBAC. Az.Resources
Get-AzProviderPreviewFeature Gets a feature registration in your account. Az.Resources
Register-AzProviderPreviewFeature Creates a feature registration in your account. Az.Resources
Unregister-AzProviderPreviewFeature Removes a feature registration from your account. Az.Resources
Get-AzResource Gets resources. Az.Resources
Move-AzResource Moves a resource to a different resource group or subscription. Az.Resources
New-AzResource Creates a resource. Az.Resources
Remove-AzResource Removes a resource. Az.Resources
Set-AzResource Modifies a resource. Az.Resources
Invoke-AzResourceAction Invokes an action on a resource. Az.Resources
Export-AzResourceGroup Captures a resource group as a template and saves it to a file. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceGroup Gets resource groups. Az.Resources
New-AzResourceGroup Creates an Azure resource group. Az.Resources
Remove-AzResourceGroup Removes a resource group. Az.Resources
Set-AzResourceGroup Modifies a resource group. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceGroupDeployment Gets the deployments in a resource group. Az.Resources
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment Adds an Azure deployment to a resource group. Az.Resources
Remove-AzResourceGroupDeployment Removes a resource group deployment and any associated operations. Az.Resources
Stop-AzResourceGroupDeployment Cancels a resource group deployment. Az.Resources
Test-AzResourceGroupDeployment Validates a resource group deployment. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation Gets the resource group deployment operation Az.Resources
Save-AzResourceGroupDeploymentTemplate Saves a resource group deployment template to a file. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentWhatIfResult Gets a template What-If result for a deployment at resource group scope. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceLock Gets a resource lock. Az.Resources
New-AzResourceLock Creates a resource lock. Az.Resources
Remove-AzResourceLock Removes a resource lock. Az.Resources
Set-AzResourceLock Modifies a resource lock. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceManagementPrivateLink Gets Azure Resource Management Private Link(s) Az.Resources
New-AzResourceManagementPrivateLink Create Azure Resource Management Private Link Az.Resources
Remove-AzResourceManagementPrivateLink Deletes the Resource Manangement Private Link. Az.Resources
Get-AzResourceProvider Gets a resource provider. Az.Resources
Register-AzResourceProvider Registers a resource provider. Az.Resources
Unregister-AzResourceProvider Unregisters a resource provider. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleAssignment Lists Azure RBAC role assignments at the specified scope. By default it lists all role assignments in the selected Azure subscription. Use respective parameters to list assignments to a specific user, or to list assignments on a specific resource group or resource. Az.Resources
New-AzRoleAssignment Assigns the specified RBAC role to the specified principal, at the specified scope. Az.Resources
Remove-AzRoleAssignment Removes a role assignment to the specified principal who is assigned to a particular role at a particular scope. Az.Resources
Set-AzRoleAssignment Update an existing Role Assignment. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleAssignmentSchedule Get the specified role assignment schedule for a resource scope Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance Gets the specified role assignment schedule instance. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest Get the specified role assignment schedule request. Az.Resources
New-AzRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest Creates a role assignment schedule request. Az.Resources
Stop-AzRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest Cancels a pending role assignment schedule request. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleDefinition Lists all Azure RBAC roles that are available for assignment. Az.Resources
New-AzRoleDefinition Creates a custom role in Azure RBAC. Provide either a JSON role definition file or a PSRoleDefinition object as input. First, use the Get-AzRoleDefinition command to generate a baseline role definition object. Then, modify its properties as required. Finally, use this command to create a custom role using role definition. Az.Resources
Remove-AzRoleDefinition Deletes a custom role in Azure RBAC. The role to be deleted is specified using the Id property of the role. Delete will fail if there are existing role assignments made to the custom role. Az.Resources
Set-AzRoleDefinition Modifies a custom role in Azure RBAC. Provide the modified role definition either as a JSON file or as a PSRoleDefinition. First, use the Get-AzRoleDefinition command to retrieve the custom role that you wish to modify. Then, modify the properties that you wish to change. Finally, save the role definition using this command. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleEligibilitySchedule Get the specified role eligibility schedule for a resource scope Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance Gets the specified role eligibility schedule instance. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest Get the specified role eligibility schedule request. Az.Resources
New-AzRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest Creates a role eligibility schedule request. Az.Resources
Stop-AzRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest Cancels a pending role eligibility schedule request. Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleEligibleChildResource Get the child resources of a resource on which user has eligible access Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleManagementPolicy Get the specified role management policy for a resource scope Az.Resources
Remove-AzRoleManagementPolicy Delete a role management policy Az.Resources
Update-AzRoleManagementPolicy Update a role management policy Az.Resources
Get-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment Get the specified role management policy assignment for a resource scope Az.Resources
New-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment Create a role management policy assignment Az.Resources
Remove-AzRoleManagementPolicyAssignment Delete a role management policy assignment Az.Resources
Get-AzTag Gets predefined Azure tags | Gets the entire set of tags on a resource or subscription. Az.Resources
New-AzTag Creates a predefined Azure tag or adds values to an existing tag | Creates or updates the entire set of tags on a resource or subscription. Az.Resources
Remove-AzTag Deletes predefined Azure tags or values | Deletes the entire set of tags on a resource or subscription. Az.Resources
Update-AzTag Selectively updates the set of tags on a resource or subscription. Az.Resources
Export-AzTemplateSpec Exports a Template Spec to the local filesystem Az.Resources
Get-AzTemplateSpec Gets or lists Template Specs Az.Resources
New-AzTemplateSpec Creates a new Template Spec. Az.Resources
Remove-AzTemplateSpec Removes a Template Spec Az.Resources
Set-AzTemplateSpec Modifies a Template Spec. Az.Resources
Start-AzTenantBackfill Starts backfilling subscriptions for the current Tenant Az.Resources
Get-AzTenantBackfillStatus Get the current Tenant Backfill Subscription Status Az.Resources
Get-AzTenantDeployment Get deployment at tenant scope Az.Resources
New-AzTenantDeployment Create a deployment at tenant scope Az.Resources
Remove-AzTenantDeployment Removes a deployment at tenant scope and any associated operations Az.Resources
Stop-AzTenantDeployment Cancel a running deployment at tenant scope Az.Resources
Test-AzTenantDeployment Validates a deployment at tenant scope. Az.Resources
Get-AzTenantDeploymentOperation Get deployment operation for deployment at tenant scope Az.Resources
Save-AzTenantDeploymentTemplate Saves a deployment template to a file. Az.Resources
Get-AzTenantDeploymentWhatIfResult Gets a template What-If result for a deployment at tenant scope. Az.Resources
Get-AzADSpCredential Lists key credentials and password credentials for an service principal. Az.Resources
Get-AzDeploymentOperation Get deployment operation Az.Resources
Test-AzDeployment Validates a deployment. Az.Resources
Get-AzDeployment Get deployment Az.Resources
Get-AzDeploymentWhatIfResult Gets a template What-If result for a deployment at subscription scope. Az.Resources
Get-AzProviderOperation Gets the operations for an Azure resource provider that are securable using Azure RBAC. Az.Resources
Stop-AzDeployment Cancel a running deployment Az.Resources
Update-AzADApplication Updates entity in applications Az.Resources
Update-AzADServicePrincipal Updates entity in service principal Az.Resources
Update-AzADUser Updates entity in users Az.Resources
Save-AzDeploymentTemplate Saves a deployment template to a file. Az.Resources
New-AzDeployment Create a deployment at the current subscription scope. Az.Resources
New-AzADSpCredential Creates key credentials or password credentials for an service principal. Az.Resources
Remove-AzDeployment Removes a deployment and any associated operations Az.Resources
Remove-AzADSpCredential Removes key credentials or password credentials for an service principal. Az.Resources